The Calm After The Storm

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From the hospital windows, I watched the sun rise and set countless times. From those looking glasses, I studied how the bright sunny days transitioned into hollow rainy days. I spent weeks in the hospital, watching how the bruises changed from purple to yellow and finally, regained my skin colour. I remember thinking as I checked out of the hospital, "Some things just can't be healed with time."

It wasn't long before everyone caught wind of the news. Chanel got assaulted by Chase. This time, it was physical and there was evidence. Maybe she hadn't been lying after all. Alongside Chase, Tasha got destroyed for sticking up for him all this time. Eventually, she relocated to God knows where. I couldn't care, just felt relieved I could finally breathe. Since their queen bee was gone, a couple of her ex-followers came up to me and apologized for their behaviour. Wanting to move on from the past, I accepted their apology but never made any effort to befriend them. These were, after all, the individuals that contributed to my self-damage and hatred. Sometimes, it was better to forgive and forget – This was one of those cases.

In addition, I realized that school was coming to an end soon and I needed to get my act together, fast. My teachers were sympathetic to my condition and mental state and exempted some major assignments. My english teacher, however, still insisted that I complete my assignment on Sebastian.

"I just need your words and raw thoughts... Nothing more." She had told me to which I sighed, nonetheless nodding my head in defeat and agreement.

Since then, I have had a lot of ideas but nothing was making me feel like I had truly captured Sebastian's essence. No words could ever justify him and that was the hardest part – Knowing you're so in-love that nothing can come close to describing their being and soul. And God, what would I ever do if I were to lose him? Surely I would lose my mind.

With a focussed mindset, Sebastian and my parents' help, and motivation, I found my grades increasing and sent them off to colleges. I heard back from a few and got accepted into my first choices. Life, it seemed, was slowly rewarding me.

It wasn't long before Sebastian asked me to visit Kami with him. As we stood by her bedside, I noticed my lover's resolve breaking, his shoulders hunched as he quietly sobbed. This time it was my turn to hold him in my arms and whisper into his ears.

"She'll come back to you too." I had promised, rubbing his back as he clutched my shirt.

"I miss her so much," he cried.

A month later, her eyes flutter open. I smile as I remember the moment I found out, my eyes betraying me as they fill with tears. I had been driving home from the library, my head crammed with information regarding metabolism and my eyes tired from scanning textbook pages many times. Suddenly, my phone rung and upon ensuring the caller was Sebastian, I accepted his call.

"She's up." He breathlessly whispered.

"I'll be right there," I promised before performing an illegal u-turn and speeding to the hospital. My own heart was beating as I longed to see Kami alive and well, wanting to just hear her voice.

Upon arriving, I noticed the two figures hugging Sebastian and crying collectively. His parents. His mother noticed me standing there, watching them with longing as she broke from the embrace and offered me a tear-stained smile.

"You must be Chanel," she said as I noticed her blue eyes. That's where Sebastian got his from.

"I am, ma'am," I said, extending my hand but to my surprise, she tackled me into a hug which earned a hearty laugh from Sebastian. My heart swelled.

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