A Scenario In Their POV

"We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when," I watched from the kitchen counter (well, I wasn't really sitting on the counter, more like floating above it) as she pulled open the oven door and bent down to check the cookies, singing a song I'd never heard before under her breath. She was a wonderful singer. And she had a wonderful ass. "Nice ass." "You're an ass." She responded, closing the oven. She set the cookie tray down on the stove top and I immediately grabbed a hot cookie. "Wait those are still hot!" She said, panicked. I decided to mess with her a bit. "Oh, ow, I burnt myself, oh the agony, ahhh" I screamed dramatically. She was in full panic mode now and yanked my hand towards her to see the damage. She examined my perfectly fine hand and then looked at my face, noticing my smirk instantly. She scoffed and hit me in the chest making me laugh. "Puh-lease. I'm an all powerful dream demon. Mortal things like fire can't hurt me." I bit into the cookie and smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a cookie, dropping it instantly with a yelp. She shook her hand before looking at it. Sure enough there was a decent sized burn on her fingers. "Good going." I muttered, taking another bite. "Shut it." She examined her hand a little longer before holding it out to me. "Ok, Mr. All-Powerful-Dream-Demon. Heal me." I rolled my eyes but grabbed her hand, pulling it up to my lips and pressing a quick peck to her newly acquired wound. She blushed but didn't pull away. The burn healed over almost immediately and she stared down at it in awe. "I didn't know you could heal wounds by kissing them." "I don't necessarily need to kiss a wound to heal it. Just touching it would work." She raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you kiss it?" "Cause I wanted to see you blush." I smirked, flicking her in the nose. She shook her head but couldn't hide the sudden outbreak of red that covered her cheeks. Adorable.

Asking The Question

"Oh, hey, Bill." You greeted the dream demon upon opening the door. He started using the door after you told him you didn't want him just popping into your house whenever he wanted (which he did often). "Come on in." He stepped into the room, kicking the door shut behind him. You have been friends with him for a few months and you've gotten incredibly close, so him showing up unexpectedly wasn't too concerning. "Yo. Any plans for the day?" He asked, following you into the kitchen. You thought over your schedule before shaking your head. "I don't think so. Why?" He perked up at your answer. "Great! Cause we," he pointed from you to him, "are going on a date." You looked back at him with wide eyes. "A what?" He dropped his hand to his side looking a bit confused. "A date. Is that not what humans do when they want to advance their relationship?" It took you a second to say the words that were running through your head. "I-It is but I just never... You want to advance our relationship?" He smiled. "That's exactly what I want. And I already know you want that too so go get dressed. We're going out for a night on the town, baby!" He gave you a gentle shove towards your room and you hesitantly did as asked. You didn't even want to know how he knew you liked him. You glanced at your closet, unsure of what to wear.

First Date

You eventually settled on a red dress that fell to your knees. It was cute and comfortable which easily made it your favorite dress. After doing the finishing touches on your hair and makeup you stepped out into the living room, purse in hand. Bill (who was now wearing a fancy golden suit) looked over your outfit. "I like the dress but not the color," he snapped his fingers once, "that's better." You looked wide eyes at your now shimmering golden dress before glaring at him. "Why must you do the things you do?" He chuckled before grabbing your arm. "Come on, we're gonna be late for our reservation." You suddenly felt like you were moving a hundred miles a second and grabbed onto Bill to steady yourself. Once you were standing securely again you found yourself in front large fancy restaurant. "Where are we?" You asked, hanging onto his arm (which he didn't seem to mind). "New York." He answered unfazed and started pulling you into the restaurant. You lost your breath at the sight of the inside of the restaurant. It was gorgeous. "Wow. This place is beautiful. What's the name of this restaurant?" "Uh, something French. Its a French seafood place. Very high class." Once You were seated at your table the waiter brought over two menus and Bill ordered wine for the both of you (which you nearly choked on when you saw the price of the food). The food ended up being amazing and you may have had a few more glasses of wine than you should have.

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