How You Meet (Revised Edition)

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(Revised edition of the how you meet scenarios, including Stans, Fords, and Bills)

(The start to Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, and Robbie): Finally done, that's the last box. You sighed in relief, flopping down onto the couch. Moving always sucked, especially when it's to somewhere so far away from home. This is home now, you had to remind yourself. Your parent had gotten a really good job offer, which meant bigger paychecks, but also moving to a new town to accept. You already missed your old friends, your old school, your old house. At least you only have one year left til graduation, so you'll only have to mingle with these small-town strangers for a little while. Plus, your new house is pretty nice. You've got a big bedroom, your walls were painted your favorite color, and all of your posters were now hung up. It's starting to feel a little more like home.

Your parent stepped into the living room and smirked at the sight of you strewn across the couch. You looked positively exhausted. "Finished unpacking?" You nodded. "There's a cute little diner down the road," they pulled out their wallet, pulling some money out and holding it in your direction, "why don't you go check it out? Meet some locals."

You reached out and grabbed the money, swinging your legs off the arm of the couch and standing. "ok, thanks."

The bike ride there was surprisingly relaxing. The town looked really gorgeous in the autumn. You took note of the surrounding buildings, getting a read on your neighbors before you'll have the chance to meet them in person. The 10-minute ride to the Greasy's diner felt almost too quick, but your parent was right about it being cute. You took note of the "Try our pie!" sign on the window of the door as you stepped through it...


...You glanced around the diner and took a seat at the nearest empty booth, snatching a menu from the table and looking it over. It didn't take long before a waitress stopped at your table, setting down rolled silverware and greeting you. You ignored her faulty eye, which seemed to be permanently closed, and tried not to stare. "Well, hi there! You have a new face, can't say I've seen you around town before. Just passing through?"

Ah, of course. In a small town like this, everyone knows everyone. Well, everyone except you. You're the outcast here. "Ah, no." You said awkwardly. "Me and my family just moved in down the street." You fiddled with your hair, avoiding eye contact as you suddenly felt the need to justify your existence in her town.

"Oh, I saw the moving vans earlier today, I was wondering who the new folks were. Name's Susan, Welcome to Gravity Falls." You relaxed once you realized how nice she was. No need to be so on edge, you told yourself. "What can I get for you?"

"O-oh, uh..." You were so nervous you completely forgot what order you rehearsed. You quickly scanned the menu before remembering and telling her. She jotted it down on her notepad before taking your menu and walking away, leaving you in uncomfortable silence. You pulled out your phone.

You didn't even have enough time to open any apps before someone was slamming their hands down on your table. You jumped, your heart dropping into your stomach. You looked up at the assailant with wide eyes, gauging her body language. A girl, probably about 17 or 18 years old, with long brown hair, wearing a pink cropped sweater, a headband, and a skirt. She had a huge smile on her face, and you worried for a moment that this was going to be your first bully in this town.

"MY BROTHER THINKS YOU'RE CUTE!" You shrank back at the sudden explosive personality, your thoughts derailing entirely. This was absolutely the last thing you'd expect to come out of her mouth.

Before you could even process the situation, a boy, who looked strikingly similar to the girl, wedged himself between the two of you. He pressed his hand to her face, shoving her back away from your table, and addressed you with a bright red face. "J-Just ignore her. She's mentally ill. In fact, I don't even know her."

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