What is this you ask?

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Okay guys. This has been bugging me for a while now. We are killing ourselves. We are destroying life. We don't have much time to stop this, and no one is doing anything! A few adults care, but not enough to fix anything. 

I try to be an optimistic person, but I've gotten scared. Scared for my future. (No, not just the college and what's next crisis) Your future. our future. Everyone's freaking future!! Guys. We are quite literally dying. AND NO ONE SEES A PROBLEM WITH THIS!!!

this unedited book is going to be about my observations and predictions on our Earth Crisis. This is MY opinion, so if you disagree, you can leave, I can't force you to be here. But I want you to join our cause. Whoever cares enough, spread the word, do something! seriously. There are 7 billion people on this earth.  Everyone knows someone. If we work together, we could all do one thing. If every single person does one thing, then that is 7 billion small things. Don't tell me that isn't a big thing. 

It's not a single issue, it's a life issue. 

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