Chapter 7

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It's been two weeks since all the quote Drama happened at the house and to be honest, I am really happy that Eric isn't trying to kill or harm me like he said he would back in the living room, when I hit him with the bottle.

Me and Cameron on the other hand have been really awkward lately, I tend to find him staring at me from across the room, or out his bedroom window when I'm outside in the backyard with Eric, Matt or Mason, even all the above, but mostly when I'm by myself.

I ran into him in the middle of the night in the kitchen a few days ago.
He was having a late night glass of coffee or so he called it.

I remember walking into the room and instantly literally running into him and spilling some of his coffee on himself, I apologized to him multiple times before he I left feeling like a total idiot.

I can't even remember why I was awake at the time anyways, I think I had played on my phone for so long that I had lost track of time or something.

I also remember that he wasn't wearing a shirt and that coffee apparently didn't even burn cause it wasn't even that warm. Literally but accidentally jammed my face into his BARE CHEST, what the hell is wrong with me.

"IN COMING" yelled Eric has he ran into the pool, splashing everyone but me and Matt who are sitting in the grass a few feet away from the pool.

Manager Ryan came over and brought Bordie, who he had picked up at the airport,with him. We invited her to spend the week with us while we go to Sydney in a few days and then fly home from Sydney.

Mason hopped out of the pool and looked at me with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. "Hey Tody, wanna a hug" he said opening his arms.

"Nope, no thanks" I said getting up to my feet.

He started running towards me yelling "HUG TIME" in the most annoying voice I had ever heard him use.

I ran around the pool laughing, after 4 laps I tossed my phone to Matt, who had moved away so he safely video tapus from the hamic by the fence or what Mason calls , The Wall Of Protection.

On the sixth lap, Cameron got out of the pool , grabbed me and jumped into the pool with me on his back. All the clothing I was wearing was soaked, but I didn't mind, I was way to happy to care.

Bordie jumped onto my shoulders and yelled "Chicken Fight" at the top of her lungs, which was really loud.

Mason got onto Eric's shoulders and screeched "RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE" I was honestly kinda scared of him.

I and Eric charged at each other with the to screamers on ours shoulders.

"You ain't gonna win Cunt" he said threw the laughter coming from all four of us.

"Ha bitch you make me laugh" I mocked him.

He pushed harder, trying to make me and Bordie fall over, but we pushed back making him wobble a bit.

"Give up shorty" "never" he pushed me in the chest and I fell over into the pool, with Bordie going down with me.

We came up to see Eric and Mason celebrating their victory, out of the corner of my eye I saw something ruining towards me.

I turned and saw Matt running towards the pool with Cameron, both of them laughing.

"HERE COMES THE CAVALRY" they both yelled in unison than jumped into the pool. Matt was also fully clothed but apparently didn't care either.

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