Chapter 5

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I was going to apologize to Swagger before I went to bed, hoping that he would forgive me for being such a dickhead on his first day back to the house. I mean I did intentionally hit him with the bottle after I broke it, but when I saw Fitz's face, I knew that I wasn't gonna be getting out of that one.

I quickly vaped, then went over to Swagger room. The door was closed and the lights were off, I knew that cause I couldn't see any light shining from under the door.

I lightly knocked, no answer.
I knocked again, no answer.
I knocked a little harder, still no answer.

I quietly open the door, thinking that I would see him at his desk playing something on his computers.

But that wasn't what I saw at all.

Swagger and Fitz were both asleep, Swagger curled up against him, slightly drooling on his shirt. Fitz probably didn't mean to fall asleep but did and will most likely leave when he wakes up. Hopefully feeling discussed with himself.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy flow through me, I wished that instead of Swagger, it was me, sleeping with Fitz, even if it was for one reason and was to make him feel better.

I closed the door and went downstairs, Zuckles was passed out on the couch, drool streaming down the right side of his face, he honestly looked a little cute like that.

I grabbed the blanket of the back of they couch and draped it over him. He groaned than curled up underneath it, enjoying the new found warmth.

I went and sat down out side by the pool, feet in the water. I sat there, just thinking about things like if Bucks is doing good, and if my latest video got any views and likes.

After about 2 hours the back door opened, iNutorious came out, sat down beside me, and put his feet in the pool as well.

"This is gonna make me sound like such a mom but, why is it that when I come home, that there are bloody bandages in the bathroom, glass on the floor, and pizza that isn't even good pizza, in the kitchen on the counter." He looked at me, he had gone out with some friends before Swagger got here at 230.

I laughed  a little. "Well let's just say that it hasn't been a good night."

He threw his hands up "I leave for 6 hours and everything here goes to hell" he laid down his back, feet still in the pool.

"Ya I guess you could say that"

"So how's Swagger doin?" He asked

I looked at him. "He's been better"

"Oh" he sat up.

"We kinda got into a fight, and he got hurt...     and le-lets just say tha-that I'm not proud o-of what I did." I looked at my feet.

"I'm guessing that the broken glass and bloody bandages have some part in this." He leaned down and looked me straight in the eye.

"I hi-hit him, hard." I hadn't realized that I was crying till I saw tears fall into the water.

"*sigh* where's Fitz, does he know what happened?" He asked me.

I covered my face with my hands and said "He's the o-one who stopped everything's b-by taking Swagger to the bathroom t-to fix the wound that I g-gave him." I stuttered

He put his arm around me and pulled me close, I put my head in the crook his neck, we just stayed like that for about 20 minutes before I pushed away.

"You need to apologize, or else this hole place will fall apart cause of you to, what is this even about anyways." He asked.

"It's just a disagreement we had, I don't know why it got to where it was, with throwing fist and a bottle to Swaggers face-" I instantly regretted telling inut that, but it was to late.

🏳️‍🌈My High Little Night🏳️‍🌈Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora