Chapter 9

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//-Cameron's POV—\\

We walked through the living room but parted at the stairs. I held onto Kj's hand till he was on the platform and going onto the next set of steps. I watched him go up the stairs and then went into the kitchen. Sam, Ryan, and Matt were all hunched over the counter, looking at Ryan's phone.

"When did you two get here?" I asked them.

"We got here while you guys were outside up the street," Sam replied. "We were lazy and just took an Uber."

I let out a single laugh. "Jeeze you guys, and you didn't even bother to bring for, or anything to get high on."

Ryan bent down behind the counter and brought up 2 small boxes of joints, 2 large bags of weed, and some edibles. He looked up at me with an annoyed but amused look on his face. "We're ordering food right now."

I looked at the phone that was now facing me, being held up by Matt. It's showed a couple of restaurants with great deals on huge amounts of food.

"Um, guys, we're just having a few people over, not all of Melbourne," I said to them.

"Ya do a bit of change in plans, we're having a party instead of just a low key get together," Matt said, laughing nervously.

I'm sure that whatever look was on my face, it wasn't good and wasn't making Matt or Sam comfortable. Ryan just did care. He patted my shoulder and said "don't be too mean to the short people that show up" and then sat down outside and made a phone call.

"I'm gonna go sit on the couch," Sam said, obviously just trying to get away from the now silent conversation.

Matt let out another nervous laugh. " Soooo, maybe we should go talk to Kj real quick." He stood up straight and tried to walk past me, but I caught his arm.

"I'll tell him, you need to go get me some different clothes so that I don't look like a hobo during this party" I squeezed his arm, obviously tighter than intended because Matt winced slightly and grabbed my hand, trying to get me to let him go. " are you listening to me, Matt?"

"Yes, yes go get you different clothes so you don't look like a hobo during the party, now let go of me." He hissed at me, I released his arm from my grasp, and he wandered off.

I stood there for a moment and then started my way up the stairs. It's gonna be one hell of a night.


))~ Kj's POV ~((

I made my way upstairs, I could feel Cameron's eyes following me the whole way up, it not that it was unpleasant, just not something I'm used, yet.

I debated sitting down on the couch and eating Toby's food while walking past the living room, but I was already in motion, and I feel bad for Toby, having to lecture Eric for however long we were all outside.

I knocked on the door, then opened it a crack, peeking through, I honestly couldn't see much, just her desk and a few empty pop cans on it. I walked in and saw that Toby was curled up in her bed, playing on her phone. She must not have heard my knock.

"Oh hey," she said quietly, she must be trying not to break her voice anymore today.

"Hey," I held up the bag. "Where do you want this," I asked her.

"Right here please." She held her out, and I placed it in her hands.

"What did you order"


"It smells good and is making me really hungry."

She opened a small box and inside were 6 chicken strips, a small tub of gravy, and a bunch of curly fries. She pulled out a second box, and in it was a small salad and cooked vegetables.

She looked up at me, holding the box with the chicken strips towards me. "You want some" she smiled at me.

I smiled, grabbed the box, and sat down beside her, beginning to munch down on all the fries. Toby laughed at me and started eating the salad, a smile plastered on her face.

"So you ready for the big party tonight" I stopped mid-chew.

I swallowed. "What?"

"The party, ya know the one Matt been talking about all day" she chewed a piece of lettuce.

I stood up suddenly. "I need to go talk to Cameron, but I'll come back up in a bit ok."

"Ok." She looked confused, but that didn't matter at the current moment.

Shitshitshitshitshitshit. I walked out into the hallway, and Cameron was already at the top step, his face said annoyance, but his eyes were screaming anger and rage. Matt planned this.

"We should maybe get Matt to relinquish that stupid fuckin dare on you," Cameron said, he looked down the stairs, most likely trying to make sure no one was listening. But I could hear everyone outside yelling at Mason about something, again.

"Let's go out to the driveway-"

"Oi KJ" Jay yelled from downstairs.


"Go and find Cam and Toby will ya, everyone just got here, but they've been in vehicles for a couple of hours so we're gonna take all the food and go for a walk around Melbourne." I looked over the railing, into the room Jay was in. He looked up. "Alright"

I sighed. " ya ok"

"Thanks, mate"

I looked at Cam and he just gave me a thumbs up, so I went into Toby's room and asked if she was up to it, and she was, surprisingly. We left her room after she put on a hoodie and some shoes, Cam was still at the stairs on waiting for us at the top step.

We walked past him, and he followed us down the stairs, we met up with everyone outside in the driveway, they were all talking amongst each other. We joined the group and everyone was either talking about how high they were getting tonight, or how drunk they were getting tonight. Either way, it was good conversations all around.

Ryan yelled at us and we all started walking, where to I had no idea, was I worried, nope, only focussed on the conversation I was having with Eric, and a few random guys I hadn't met in person till now.

While we were walking, I kept noticing how close Cam was to me. It obviously wasn't hard to keep up with me given his legs were probably were the same size as 3/4 of me. He wasn't talking to anyone, just walking and laughing occasionally at something I or one of the others said. his hand lightly brushed mine, and I could tell he didn't mean to because he slid his hand into his hoodie pocket and said a quiet apology that I could barely hear.

"Hey, Cam," Ryan yelled from the front of the group.

he hesitated. "yu-Yah"

"What's the matter dude, you look angry and constipated." Everyone but I and Cam let out a laugh. He looked at me.

"Nah," he looked back up at Ryan. "Just a bit worried for tonight."

hehehehehheehhehehehehehehheheheheheheheh i don't understand it either lol

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