Welcome to the night guard club Y/N!

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there would be three people inside the office.  "Vincent: N.G.'s, meet Y/N. she will be working with us starting today." I nervously waved a little. "Vincent: Y/N, These are Mike, Jeremy, and Fritz." you slowly nod listening and understanding vincent "Jeremy: oh!..welcome Y/N!" "Mike: Oh wow. didn't expect another night guard signed up for this shitty hell..." you'd pause. well, mike doesn't have attitude... "If you think this place is a shitty hell then why are you still here? can't you just retire?" mike paused while the others laugh "Mike: well- you do have a point- but uh-... I really don't have a reason why im still here-" the others laughed louder. "Fitz: wow Y/N, you kinda roasted mike, nobody did that before!" "wait really? but- it was so obvious! like- it's literally the truth!" Vincent would be on his knee's holding his stomach laughing while Jeremy is smacking his head on the desk can't controlling himself from laughing. "I really don't get how it is so funny..." Mike would lose his temper and slap me "ow-" the others stopped laughing "Mike: wait- I didn't mean to do that Y/N im sor-" Vincent would kick mike in the guts pissed off. Jesus Christ- "Mike: OW FFFFUCKKKKKK!!!-" Fritz would kick mike's- uh- ding dong. "Mike: RIOHIRTCERIHECGRJJGERKERCT!!!"  jeez- I pity mike- the others would start yelling at mike like he just stole something or didn't do the chores lol. "Vincent: Y/N are you alright?! you have a mark on your face!" it was super obvious vincent was worried "im fine! also uh- mind if I take a look around?" "Vincent: Yeah sure but do you want me to come with you?" I shook my head "I don't need a babysitter and watch over me" "Vincent: But what if you get hurt-" before vincent can finish his sentence I lefted the office. after a few mins, I was walking down the hall....but I felt a little odd...as if..somebody is watching me?... I felt like someone is behind me, but when I turned around nobody is there, but then a black aura would grab my arm and throw me on the floor. it would stab my arm. I screamed in pain.

OwO Who attacked Y/N??? Would vincent come and help??? will Y/N die???? wait till da next part Y/N!~

Other's can't. but you can. [Vincent / Purple Guy X Female Night Gaurd Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now