Chapter 4

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He turned on Call Me by Your Name , which of course was my favorite movie. I was tense as I laid there.

I could feel Damiar breathing as his chest lifted against my back. The way he raised his voice and all of his veins showed, scared me so badly. It was like flipping a switch.

One minutes his voice was smooth and deep, and the next it was panicked, angry, and scratchy.

I'm not sure if it's biopolar or not, but it's definitely something where he goes from one extreme to the other very quickly.

I shifted positions over and over again trying to get comfortable. Bottom line I did not want to be near him.

He got frustrated and finally sat up making me fall back on the bed. "What do you keep moving for?" He asked angrily.

"I-I'm sorry. I j-just wanted to get cozy." His demeanor relaxed and he settled back down. He closed his legs more and waved a finger for me to come back over.

I crawled back on his chest, but this time facing him. He scooted me up so my face was tucked in at his collar bone and my legs straddled his right side.

He brushed the hair out of my face and exhaustion started to hit. It was quiet in the room besides the movie playing.

I tried to watch it, but my eyelids were too heavy. I let my self fall asleep to the rhythm of Damiars heavy breathing.

I woke up and saw that he was still asleep. Escape was all I could think about. I slowly started to move trying not to wake him.

"No" he growled softly. I stopped, caught like a deer in headlights.   I didn't know if he was talking to me or to his dream.

I continued to slowly pull myself up, and then he pulled me back down and further into his chest. "Baby I thought I told you no."

He said in a raspy voice. 'Baby. That's all he fukin says : baby. What kind of cringey- nvm.' I thought.

I pulled his arms off of me making him fully awake and staring at me with confusion. "I need to pee. Where's the bathroom." 

He started getting up. "I-I can go alone. It's sort of a private... activity..." He didn't say anything as he rubbed his eyes and started for the door.

I followed him down the hallway to finally see the bathroom, with-. Wait.  There's nothing in it. I looked at him very confused.

"We're not staying here long. I thought you would have figured that out?"  I nodded as my heart sunk to the floor and my anxiety started up, almost like it was spinning faster and faster.

I closed the door and I heard him lean against it. The reality of this news hit me like a truck and I leaned against the counter for support as I felt like I was going to pass out.

He was going to take me away. No one would ever find me. No justice would ever be served to Jade.

This psychopath is literally outside the door, but I have to get out of here. Obviously my first thought was the window but I knew it was bolted.

As if on cue I saw red and blue lights fill the warped glass and sirens were getting louder.

I heard a couple insanely loud knocks on the door. "ROAN GET OUT OF THERE NOW!"

My heart was in my throat.

I stayed where I was. The pounding continued. "ROAN I WILL BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR!"

I looked at the window and then at the shower head. No time like the present.

I reached into the shower and grabbed the head and then whacked it into the window as hard as I could. A small crack appeared giving me hope.

A loud kick came from behind me reminding me of my severe time limit. I hit hard over and over again until finally the window fell to pieces around me, cutting up my hands in the process.

I lifted my self up and felt tiny glass shards cutting my palms and knees. Freedom was so close. And then the door busted open.

I screamed for help but a large hand conceded my mouth. I was already halfway out of the window so I held on with my thighs, but he was much stronger than me.

He picked me up by my waist and I thrashed all the way down the hallway. I still screamed in an effort to make noise, but that just made my throat hoarse.

All of my punching and kicking seemed utterly useless as he dragged me back to his bedroom. His still had a tight hold on me with one hand as he pulled the drawer to his bedside table to reveal a needle. "

No please! I'll do anything! Just not a needle." I said through huge sobs and tears. I clutched the arm around my waist tightly.

He stopped. "Will you drink it?" I looked up at him. He was being serious. Was I really going willingly knock myself out?

It was better than a needle though I guess. "Y-yes." He looked at me and saw I was telling the truth.

He took me, or really just dragged me into the kitchen where he opened the medicine cabinet and crushed a pill and swept it into a glass of water.

This man has one-handed skills like no one I've ever seen. He finally let me go but his body trapped me in a corner.

He handed me the water and I took it with shaking hands. His piercing eyes looked at me with a hardened but determined expression.

I brought the water to my mouth and sipped. It had a salty taste and a weird fizzy sensation. Wait now it's fizzy in my whole head.

I knew the drug was taking effect as the fizzy sensation traveled down to my legs making me fall into darkness.

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