Chapter 4: Of Floats and Gossip

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"Can you hand me the hammer, Cordelia?"

"Why do you need a hammer, Sumia?"

"To nail the table into the float! It'll be unstable if it isn't!"

Before Cordelia could hand the tool to Sumia, I swiftly took it from the box. "Have you used a hammer before?" I asked, sounding like a mother who was scolding her child.

The brunette and I locked eyes for a few moments. "...Yes."

"Uh-huh. That's what I thought. Here, move over." I stepped onto the wooden platform we were working on, sitting down next to a black prop table amongst a sea of faux flora and cardboard shapes. "I love you, and that's why I don't want you getting hurt with a hammer. You wouldn't be able to participate in Powderpuff."

A month of school has come and gone, and so has summer. Now the bright and warm landscapes have turned into chilly, portraits of fall. Trees were changing colors, pumpkins and gourds popped up wherever you turned, football season was alive and kicking, and preparations for Halloween came full-force. I freaking loved October.

And at Ylisse High School, October was the month for Homecoming. In past years, I never did too much concerning the event, other than attending the Homecoming Game (which I had to participate in, anyway) and going to the dance. However, now that I was an upperclassman, I decided to take part in more activities. Namely, helping build the junior's float for the parade and participating in this game called "powderpuff".

The dance's theme was Alice in Wonderland and we had to decorate the float as such. The design team went with decorating the float like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Not only would it be relatively easy to build, but it would look awesome once finished (also because the freshmen took the Cheshire Cat design idea).

Powderpuff was something even I couldn't exactly explain. It was an event that took place a few days before the HC game that was kind of like football but not really? We basically just dressed up in crazy outfits and played flag football while the actual football team cheered us on. Look, all I wanted was to see Frederick as a cheerleader and I was an absolute beast at flag football. 

That, and Sumia and Cordelia made me do it. Yay, friendship.

"I forgot that you know how to build stuff," Sumia sighed, crawling over to the other side of the float to work on something else.

I chuckled, carefully hammering the table into place. "I'm not that skilled. I've worked on set designs so I know the bare minimum."

"Still, it's helpful to have you around." Cordelia smiled, returning to her work on the banner that had our class and year on it. "I can't focus my attention on painting something and keeping Sums from getting hurt at the same time!"


I hit the last nail in, texting the table's sturdiness before I stood back up. "That should do it." I looked around the float, admiring our work.

The float itself was a simple wooden base (as most were) with a blue draped border. We placed green fabric over the entirety of the base so the wood wouldn't show. Once Cordelia was finished painting it, we would hang the sign over the edge. Placed sporadically around were fake plants and painted cardboard shapes. In the center was the 10x3 prop table where the rest of our props will go (teacups, plates, plushies, etc) and also where the riders will sit. 

At the moment, the three of us were the only people working on the float, but hopefully not for long. The other group of people who were helping had to run out and get supplies and the props we ordered (and retrieve food. If all else failed and they couldn't find the materials, they better bring food).

"Is there anything else that needs to be done before the others get back?" I asked, plopping down and my sore feet dangling down the side of the float.

"Just painting the sign and that's about it!" Cordelia replied, wiping her brow with her paint-stained arm. "Hey, Sums, did you and Frederick decide where you're going to eat before the dance?"

Sumia popped her head out of a box of craft supplies, a few fake feathers sticking to her. "Why, so you can spy?"


She laughed, sitting back and resting her weight on her arms. "No, not yet. He says he has a plan but he's yet to share it with me."

"Ooooh! A surprise! How romantic!" I squealed, much to Sumia's annoyance.

The brunette rolled her eyes. "I can't even with you two..." she sighed. "What about you, Anna? Do you and Chrom have a plan?"

My cheeks went bright red, heart racing. "W-we're going stag! What makes you think we're going together?"

Now it was Sumia's turn to be flushed in embarrassment. "But Frederick said..." She shook her head, muttering something under her breath. "Never mind."


"...Well, that escalated quickly." Cordelia clicked her tongue. "In all seriousness, how is your relationship with Chrom? Or really, what is your relationship? Everyone can see there's more than friendship running between you two. I don't mean to pry, but what's going on?"

Greaaaaaat. This is what I really needed. Although...I suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk about this to someone. I've been keeping these weird emotions bottled up for so long, and I just don't know how much longer I can take it. 

"...It's complicated. Really, really complicated." I tucked my knees into my chest. " him... As a friend, but maybe...maybe a little more. I really don't know." Tears began to well up in my eyes. "Gods, I actually do, but I've been in denial for so long. I don't want to admit anything to myself."

Sumia crawled over to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Why is that?"

My throat suddenly felt dry, making words difficult to form. "...Because I know that once I do, there's no going back. I don't want what we have to change, he's my best friend!" I choked out. "I've always had issues with trust and really skewed visions on what love really is. Letting someone into my heart is really, really hard for me. Deep down, I know that Chrom would never do anything to hurt me or break the trust I have in him. I know that a bright future lies ahead for us - together or not - but now isn't the right time."

Cordelia joined our huddle, careful not to get any paint on me as we embraced. "What do you mean 'now isn't the right time'?"

"I'm waiting for a sign, for something to tell us to move forward. For some kind of shove to my heart to finally admit things."

Sumia sighed. "Anna, if I may be so bold, I don't think you should wait. The only thing stopping your heart from feeling the way it wants is you," she said.

"Yeah, Sumia is right," Cordelia added. "And hey, Chrom cares about you. A whole ton. If it's rejection you're scared about, you shouldn't worry about that!"

I buried my face in my hands. "I know. I know. I know. But I need to wait. I need a sign."

My friends held and comforted me for what felt like forever, not leaving my side for a second. Years ago, I thought I would never form healthy relationships with people my age. I would remain friendless and alone my whole life. But now, I have all the support and love in the world.

Whatever did I do to deserve friends like these?

WHAT DID FREDERICK SAY? My homecoming was weeks ago, actually. And instead of having an amazing theme like Alice in Wonderland, we had "Out of This World" which I guess is fitting because the dance was held on the same day as the Area 51 Raid. XD As for Powderpuff...yeah. I participated in my school's version of it and it was...interesting. I had a boat load of fun, though. We lost, but the seniors cheat so it's a given. Can't wait for my victory next year. XD Anyway, be prepared for some super exciting stuff in the next couple of weeks... Also, once again, I'm sorry this is semi-late, I haven't gotten good sleep all week and I had a really long day yesterday so I slept in super late. Don't @ me. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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