C20. It Serves Her Right!

Start from the beginning

A busy week passed. On Saturday, He Bai, with deep shadows under his eyes, was summoned to Shengxiang by Li Ru who returned from a business trip.

"There were two pieces of news, one good and the other bad. Which one do you want to hear first?" Li Ru poured a cup of tea for him and seated herself opposite him.

"Thank you." He Bai took a sip, feeling him sober-minded a little, and replied, "Bad one, please."

"I guess so." Li Ru leaned back into the chair, with a faint smile on her face, "You have received two complaints, one from our customer and the other from a colleague. The customer's complaint was sent to our group leader Ma Qun, and the latter bypassed me and went to my superior." Complaints?

It was quite unexpected. He Bai raised his hand to massage his puffy eyes, thought for a while and asked, "Let me guess. The customer complaining about me is Liu Huanhuan, isn't she? And the colleague... Ma Xingtong?"

"You guess out only half the story." Li Ru shook her finger and replied, "The colleague who made a complaint of you is indeed Ma Xingtong. He said you were too self-assertive to conform to the rules and regulations of our company as well as to the requirements of the television station and conduct the shooting in the appropriate scenes. He also said you are lacking in team spirit."

It was quite a groundless countercharge. He Bai completely did not expect Ma Xingtong, a skilled photographer, should spare no efforts to push him aside.

"What shall I do with the complaints?" He asked, with his face hardening.

Li Ru found his childish expression amusing. Shaking her head, she said, "The regulations stipulate that a regular employee, when receiving a complaint from his customer, must apologize to the customer in person, and make every effort to compensate his client for his losses after finding reasons out; when complained of by a colleague, the employee would face dismissal (if his error is of a serious nature) or wage deduction (if his error causes no considerable consequences) plus demerit recording. One who has three demerits shall be forced out."

It was indeed an undeserved catastrophe. He Bai was neither willing to make apology to Liu Huanhuan nor expecting wage deduction. After all, that's his hard-earned money ... He Bai was getting desperate.

Li Ru couldn't help laughing eventually, "But you're not a regular employee and work on a part-time basis. So it's me, your supervisor, who needs to make an apology and inquires about the cause. Besides, given that you work part-time and that your superior considers the complaint from your co-worker may be a slander, so the complaint is overruled and you'll receive two hundred yuan as consolation prize."

He Bai sat up in a flash and stared at her with joy, "Sister Li ..."

"Don't look at me this way. It's too sappy." Li Ru waved her hand and teased him, "Are you in the mood to hear the good news now?"

One dimple appeared on He Bai's left face as he smiled. Then he gave a nod, and poured a glass of water for Li Ru attentively.

Li Ru enjoyed his service, and spoke slowly, "As for the good news ... The station personnel were quite satisfied with those refined pictures you had taken. The person in charge happened to hear that you also snapped some pictures of other hostesses to good effect, so he decided to make a sidelight collection with those snaps so as to boost the online publicity of the station's commemorative activities. You can get a good price for each photo." She stuck a finger while speaking.

He Bai's eyes lit up, and his body leaned forward unconsciously, "one hundred each?"

Li Ru shook her head, "Mind you, I myself negotiated the price with them on your behalf. You can add a fourth digit."

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