Chapter 19 - Truth Revealed?

Start from the beginning

"Okay," I took a deep breath. I debated whether to tell him about who I was working with. Considering that I really had no allies and maybe he could be one I decided to tell him. I mean it would slip eventually and it is better that he knows now so there are no surprises in the future. "Look, I don't want to lie to you. I am working with the Avengers." There was a big silence and Endre's jaw fell open.

"What?! You're what?" It was Endres turn to be horrified.

"Yes, I'm not who they all think I am. My name is Y/N and I'm an orphan. I lived on Earth for my entire life and I was adopted by the avengers because I was unique or something weird like that."

"Do you know who your parents are?"

"I don't no." I eyed him warily wondering if he knew what an orphan was and also wondering if I had made the right decision telling him.

"Hmmmmm" Endre scratched the back of his neck and suddenly looked very tired. "Because it is said that the queen can recognize any child that's hers. Unfortunately for this queen, she lost the right to be able to bear children after you-, or her daughter, was given away. So I would say that it is very probable that you are her daughter." I blinked twice really fast at him.

"Wait, how do you know this much?"

"Technically I'm not supposed to, but there are just so many rumors that I had to know for myself so I inquired with a bunch of people about it." He nodded with confidence after saying this.

"Ahhhh ok. Well then why did the queen give me away?"

"It was so dangerous in Svartalfheim that she wanted to give you your best chance or something like that. She gave you to a trusted friend and instructed him to bring you somewhere safe and from what I'm hearing that was Earth."

"Wow." This string of words all made sense in a frustrating sort of way. "So even though I lied about being her daughter, I actually am her daughter?" I blinked fast a couple times to take it all in. Endre let out another breath.

"Which means she might have you taken somewhere else that isn't here to keep you safe."

"Yeah she mentioned how she might relocate me from this place actually right before you came in." Endre looked at me and we made eye contact for a solid minute while we pondered what to do. I was the first person to speak. "I don't want to leave this place without knowing what's up with Eerikki, the Phalanax, and how the Avengers plan on following through with this situation..." Endre nodded in agreement.

"I agree with that. I just don't know where we could find that information out.."

"Hmmmm... wait, didn't you ask those people when you wanted to find out about my mom and what her deal was. Can you just do it again about this?" Endre took a hand and scratched his neck again.

"Yeah.... except the people I asked were Asgardians."

"Ohhhh. yeahhh that complicated things." I flopped on my bed and looked at the ceiling. My thoughts were going a million miles an hour.

When did everything get so complicated? It seemed like this morning was so not as complicated and then Nick is telling me to get back to Earth. Why is it too dangerous for me here? Who is the Phalanax? If I go with Julienne, will I end up not going back to Earth? Like.. ever?
What is going on that nobody wants me to know about?

"You know...' Endre broke the silence 'We could always go to the place where they keep Asgardians." I eyed him strangely.

"The way you make it sound is like they are all penned up in some cage... but go on."

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