"Gotta keep him from drooling on Cindy," he explained as he was halfway out the door.

"Don't worry about cleaning up," Iris assured Ignis as he started to run the water. "Sig 'n I can take care of that stuff once you guys are gone."

"You're sure?"

"Of course!"

With that, Gladio ushered everyone outside to greet their favorite nude mechanic and her cranky grandpa, who made several picky snaps at Noctis about his posture and ignored Rue altogether until they got off the elevator in the lighthouse. His sharp eyes scanned over her, narrowed, and he shot Noctis a stern look.

"Who's she? One of your concubines?"

"Uh, no."

"She could be, for the right price," Rayne muttered, elbowing Gladio. Rue pretended she didn't hear, though it was obvious the others did. Still, they were too polite to ask.

"Well? Introduce her," Cid snapped, crossing his thin arms. His scowl was even scarier under the dim lights of the dock, hidden beneath the shadow of his weathered baseball cap.

"I—" Rue started, cut off when Cindy stepped out in front of her with a pout on her lips.

"Paw Paw, I already told you. She's Ignis's assistant for personal matters."

"What, like a therapist?" the old man croaked, shooting Rue a glare when she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "Quit yer gigglin'!" #$%^. "Are we headin' to Altissia or aren't we?"

"Yeah, we are," Noctis nodded. Cid huffed, grabbing a key off the wall and heading toward the boat that was docked at the edge of the water behind them. Rue wondered how water hadn't soaked all the furniture in the room.

"Get yer stuff in the back and then we're headin' out."

"Bye Gladdy!" Iris said cheerfully, squeezing the life out of her big brother. "Be safe!"

"Will do," Rayne winked, earning a groan from her brother. She threw an arm around his shoulders and ruffled his hair. "And you be safe with Axel, yeah?"

"Stop," he huffed, trying to push away. She grinned, forcing him into a hug and then releasing the poor boy. "You don't have to be so weird about it."

"Yeah, well, you're my little brother and he's my son." Her eyes lit up and she laughed. "Dude, you're a creepy uncle!"

"Seriously?" he grumbled, shaking his head. Prompto laughed.

"Have fun, Signum!" she called over her shoulder as she headed toward the boat, lugging her suitcase behind her. Cid watched them load their things with a scowl.

"Why the #$%^ do ya'll need all this stuff? You were fine with the clothes on your back last time."

"Guess we're just living in the lap of luxury," Rue muttered. Ignis huffed a short laugh, turning back to the old man.

"Are you certain you're willing to take us? It's quite the—"

"I didn't haul my #$% all the way out here for a sappy goodbye," he snapped, slowly getting on board. "Cindy, make sure no one's blowin' up Hammerhead, ya hear?"

"Sure thing, Paw Paw," Cindy sighed, shaking her head. She raised a hand up and waved cheerfully. "Bye now! Don't forget to come back 'n visit me some time!"

"It's just for a few days," Noctis reassured her, looking around the sleek boat. Is this hisCid started up the boat's engine and, with a final wave to his granddaughter, pulled out of the dock cautiously. Once outside, they started to speed up. Rue braced herself against the railed edge as the waves tossed them about, rolling her eyes when Prompto heaved a dreamy sigh.

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