Did my kidnapper just really made a reference to Spongebob Squarepants ?

That comment was totally unexpected, I mean, it's not everyday that a criminal makes reference to a cartoon show, it's like a psychopath saying that he likes playing with Barbie, and I don't mean it in a dirty way. 

Was he trying to be funny ?

Was he just calling me stupid ?


Was he doing both ?

If I know my kidnapper, even a little, I would say that the second option would sound more like him but then how would I explain the glittering amusement in his eyes when he spoke the words ?

May be there is more to him ?

May be, this criminal thing is.....

"This is your room." I was interrupted before the thought could be completed. I realized that my kidnapper was standing inside a room while I stood at the doorway.

When did we reach here ?

I guess I was just too deep in my thoughts that I forgot about the reality of present around me.

Wait...did he just said, "my room" ?

"My room ?" I questioned him confusedly while apprehensively taking a step inside the room, waiting for a booby trap to latch onto my feet.

When the said thing did't happen, I sighed a air of relief.

"Yeah, like your rooom.." He said the words as if talking to an mentally disabled person and there was a smile on his face, not the sadistic kind either. 

What happened to him, he is in a awe-fully good mood today ?

Sensing that I still didn't understand what he meant, he explained a bit more.

"The room where you have to stay.." 

Queue the crickets in the picture, still confused.

"Damn it, this. is. the. room. where you. will. be. staying... do you get it now ?" He was frustrated, it was given and unknowingly, a smile took feature on my face ; which did not get unnoticed my my kidnapper. Guess who is irritated now, huh. 

"Wait, why are you smiling, no, don't tell me.." I only nodded my head and started laughing.

"You little... why would you act stupid then... when you already understood what I meant"

I shrugged and said,

"It was fun ."

After a little pause,

"Hmm, really now.." He said slowly as an mischievous smirk took place on his face... I knew it was time to run.

Taking the opportunity and without a thought, I flung myself onto the bed, I have somehow walked towards it in-between the conversation. I was stupid to think that it was going to act as some kind of barrier between me and my kidnapper, who was half a second ago on other side of room, but was now stalking towards the bed.

"Aw, kitten" I shivered at his words, I don't think that I will like what is to happen now.

Taking advantage of my utterly shocked and confused expressions, he fell on top of me, while efficiently pinning down my hands and legs with his own. He sat on my thighs, he still was able to cover my upper body with his though, damn he's long, and took both of my wrists into his one hand, pinning them over my head. This current position felt uncomfortable and a little too intimate to me, I flushed immediately, but that did not last long. 

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