*- 2 - Deal with it, Weasel

Start from the beginning

"That's because you met me", someone said and an arm swung around my shoulder. I looked up and saw the exact same boy standing next to me. He was smirking at my confused look.

"And no, I definitely did not forget about you, Homeschooled." I turned back to the other Fred and blinked again.

"That face of realisation", the second Fred sighed with a smirk, his arm still around my shoulder casually.

"There's two of you", I stated, still shocked. He had a twin brother, of course that had to happen to me.

His arm left my shoulder as he stood beside his brother.

"Indeed, but I'm definitely the more handsome one", Fred (I'm pretty sure that was Fred) said.

"George Weasley, I sure won't be forgetting you now", his twin said and I looked down embarrassed.

I studied their faces, trying to find similarities and differences. They were almost identical, only Fred's chin was a little pointier and he had a scar on his left eyebrow.

I pulled my eyes away from them and blushed slightly.

"Well, sorry for the confusion George", I said and shook his hand.


She was pretty, really pretty. She had this innocence that lingered around her, she seemed so pure. But her smile was the best part and she smiled a lot. I was going to have to keep an eye on the new girl.

"Gentlemen, may I ask you to sit down?" McGonagall asked, which shook me out of my thoughts.

"Bye Homeschooled", I said and turned around. I should really ask her name sometime, even though I kind of liked calling her Homeschooled.

"You weren't lying, she's pretty", George said, to which I nodded. She really was.

"You still don't know her name?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Well, you should ask her. And maybe a date whilst you're at it", he said and I stomped my elbow in his ribs.


During class I found out a bit more information about the new girl. Her last name was Y/L/N. It suited her, if a last name can even do that. I just needed to know her first name.

She was also smart, like really smart, yet she wouldn't let it be too obvious. She sat in the row in front of me, a little to the right and whenever McGonagall would ask a question, she would have written the answer on her piece of parchment before someone would answer. And it was correct every time. She didn't talk much, but she was paying close attention. I wondered why she wasn't in Ravenclaw.

McGonagall dismissed us and I pulled myself away from my thoughts. That girl was going to be the death of me and I had only spoken to her twice. I needed to get myself together.

I pulled myself from my chair and walked to potions class with George.

A/N: Yes, I know that Fred and George didn't take Potions in their sixth and seventh year, but in my story, they do.


We were standing at the back of the class and professor Snape was deciding on our seating. I had been told that he was a creepy bloke and not the biggest fan of Gryffindors. His appearance gave away as much.

"New girl, are you any good at the art that is potion making?" he asked in his monotone voice. What kind of question was that?

"I don't know sir. I've been homeschooled up until now, so I never had anyone to compare my skills to", I said.

"Hmm...", Snape said, not impressed. "Take one of the Weasleys. I hope they'll at least behave next to a new face."

I nodded and turned around to look for Fred and George. They were both whispering something so I just took a seat. They both seemed fine, but I had already made a fool of myself in front of George once.

George pushed Fred forward and he made his way over to the seat next to me.

"May I be your partner?" he asked dramatically and I grinned.

"Sure, Fred", I said. He sat down and looked at me quizzically.

"I'm George", he said and I blushed. 

"Oh no, not again", I chuckled, smiling awkwardly. I looked back at the other twin at the back of the class, but I was quite sure that was George. Fred was the one with the scar above his eyebrow, right? Or was that George? No, I was sure of it.

"No, you're not. You are Fred", I said slowly, not sure of my answer. He blinked a couple of times.

"How do you know that? Not even our mum can keep us apart half of the time", he said and I shrugged.

"Your face is different", I said. He also had a pointier chin. George's face was more rectangular.

"We're identical twins, I don't think we can have a different face", he said mockingly, but with a smile.

"Shut up", I mumbled and took out my Potions book.

"I have to apologize in advance, I'm not great at potions. I don't know how I'm even allowed to take a NEWT class in it", he said.

"It was my favorite subject back at home. I hope it is just as fun", I replied. I loved potion making. It was like cooking, yet magical.

"I doubt that with Snape as the professor", he said and immediately a book was slammed to the back of his head. Snape walked by and coughed. I tried my best to keep in the laughter.

Potions class was actually really fun. Fred wasn't all that bad at it and we managed to brew a decent potion. We talked a lot. Quietly of course, since Snape's death glare literally sucked out your soul. He would have been a great dementor.

Fred was funny. It was sometimes hard to concentrate when he was imagining Snape in a bikini, but the lesson sure flew by. He asked me questions about my life and he told me about his. He genuinely seemed interested, which I liked.

When class was over, I was kind of sad. It seemed as if we had just started ten minutes ago. I really shouldn't be crushing on the first guy I talk to, yet I couldn't help it.

"See you around", I said and walked away.

I joined Angelina who kept on ranting about the Hufflepuff she was paired with, and not in a good way. Apparently he had messed up their potion at the first step.

"Oi, Homeschooled!" I heard. I turned around and rose an eyebrow.

"You could also just call me by my name, you know", I said. Fred walked up to us and chuckled.

"I'll see you in the Great Hall", Angelina said and left.

"I would if I knew what it was", Fred said and leaned against the wall.

"What? I... I never told you?" I asked confused and a blush rose to my cheeks. Merlin, I was such an idiot.

"Nope, you didn't, Homeschooled", He said and grinned slightly. He was enjoying that nickname.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, it's... uh, Y/N", I said, "Y/N Y/L/N."

"Hmm... as pretty of a name as that is, I think I'm going to stick with Homeschooled", he said. I raised an eyebrow again. He really was enjoying it. Well, that meant that I could as well, right?

"You do you, Weasel", I said and turned around with a smirk. I heard his footsteps follow me.

"Weasel? Really? Is that the most creative thing you've got for me?" he asked and I chuckled. He caught up to me and stopped in front of me, blocking my path.

"Says the guy who's calling me Homeschooled because I used to be homeschooled." I crossed my arms, analysing the smile that constantly seemed to lurk around his lips.

"Rude", he whispered.

He was standing pretty close and I knew that I had to leave before I would become awkward again. He was friends with Angelina, Alicia and Katie. I needed to get rid of this stupid feeling in my stomach.

"Deal with it, Weasel", I said and walked away, towards the Great Hall.

Oi Homeschooled - Fred Weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now