Chapter Fourty-Five

Start from the beginning

" I'm sorry, daddy. " I guiltily said as my eyes dropped to the ground. "I love Lisa. I know she loves me too."

"Not just because you love each other your doings are already right. " He said in a stern voice. " I send her to Seoul. It's better to keep you two apart."

"Dad, I'm sorry. I love you and I'm sorry. " I stood up and gave him a hug. He looked at me with brows burrowed when I pulled away from the hug. And then I ran to grab the key to my car. Dad called me but I didn't looked back at him and ran towards my car. I started the car and took off. I'd let my head out of equation and gone completely with my heart again. I once again gave myself completely to her. I forgave her. I learned to trust her again. I knew this time we could make it right.

I was on the road for a few hours before I stopped at the parking lot of her condominium building. I rode the elevator to her floor. I still had the key to her unit and used it to get inside.

How I missed this place. I couldn't help but smile as I stopped in. The door in her room is open and also the lights. I went to her room, she wasn't there but I saw the light pouring out of her bathroom door. I carefully open the door.

There she was, sitting on the tub with her back to the door. I smiled, slowly walking up to her. I closed her eyes using my hands. She was going to turn her head to me but I kept it still.

"Guess who this is?" I said in a high-pitched voice.

"Sarah?" She said and I frowned.

"No, no... you're Karen? Or is it Donna? " At that moment, I wanted to gorge her eyes with my fingers and I pushed her down the water. Her arms flailed, splashing around as she tried to come up. I kept her down for a good ten seconds before letting her up. He gasped a deep lung full of air.

"You bastard! Go with your Sarah, Karen and your Donna!" I angrily said to her.

" Nini, baby, I was just kidding. " She said still out of breath. I went outside her bathroom and she followed me. All naked and wet. She wrapped her arms around me from behind and lifted me up. I tried to get away from her hold, fighting and shouting but she was too strong. The bastard just laughed as she carried me to the bed and gently out me down on it. She topped me so I wouldn't escape. I gave her a slap on the cheek.

"Damn you! If I only knew... I shouldn't went here! " My lips pouted slightly. "I was just kidding. " She said, laughing. "I know that its you. I know your perfume. And one thing, you're the only woman I brought here. "

My pout grew bigger." Really? You're only saying that because your caught red handed. "

" Nini, we'd live together in this condominium. Have you seen a girl went here or visited here? " One of her brows curved up.

" Irene. " My eyes narrowed.

" That's a different case." She sighed. "She got my address from my lawyer. He thought she was going to send me the divorce papers. But expect to her, there's no one, right? "

I shook my head. What she said seemed to calm me down a little.

" O ye of little faith." The grin reaches her eyes as she kissed my forehead. "I thought I've already proved to you that I'm yours. You don't have to worry about anything. I'm yours regardless of who or what might come along. Everything I am and everything I want to be is completely tied up to you. " My heart swelled with happiness that I wanted to cry but I held it in.

"Why did you left me?" My lips pursed.

"Your dad made me leave." She showered me with small kisses from my forehead to the side of my face. "I will go back to you. The thought of a single day without you in my life is hell for me. I promised to myself that I'll have you back again but this time it's going to be for good. "

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