Chapter 12

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It's a cold September day.

But it's not until he spots Palette does the cold leave his mind and he becomes more confused, the older's sitting on a rock near the echo flowers and he's having a smoke.

Till the other Goth storms over and slaps it out of his mouth, Palette raises an eyebrow at the other before giving his signature smirk, and oh, how Goth curses himself for falling for him.

They talk, and the other Goth's eyebrows furrow and he speaks more rapidly as Palette nods in complete seriousness. He nods, and then he turns on his heel and before Goth knows it, his counterpart is leaving through the portal. As quickly and quietly as he came.

His heart is beating quickly, too quickly. But he walks the trail back to the waterfall, trying so hard not to think about what had just taken place.

But it's futile as he fails to notice the faint footsteps behind him.

"Hey, Lotus."

Goth whirls around to become face to face with Palette, who's looking at him seriously. It'd been a while since Palette had last called him his middle name, his nickname that had been dubbed by the other.

"Hello, Palette." Goth mutters, nodding forcefully as he spits the words out of his mouth like a curse.

They might as well have been, because there's nothing in this world that Goth hates more than Palette right now, and he's not in the mood for any games.

Silence stretches out between the two of them, before Palette stretches out a hand and Goth scoffs at it.

"Give me one more chance." It's not a plea, and it makes Goth look up into the older's eyes. It's a lifeline, and it's the only thing Palette has to live for. It's something he wants so desperately.

"I don't know if I can change," he confesses, and Goth turns away before he quickly adds, "but I'll try. For you, anything for you."

It's an onslaught of emotions, and it's agitating him. Goth doesn't want this to be a repeat but this is different.

Instead Goth just grits his teeth, slides off the rock and turns away.

"All you do is talk. Show me next time."

It's a cold September day.

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