Prolouge: Petals & Thorns (Part 2)

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Hours passed as Christine and Rich were cleaning up and doing the laundry for the staff when they heard a noise in the apron hamper. Christine looked in the hamper seeing the little prince snoring softly.

"What the- how did he get in there?!" She said worried as Rich picked him up making him stir in his arms. He rubbed his tiny eyes confused seeing the female and male figure.

"Brookie...Jeremy..." he yawned.

"No sweetheart, it's Christine and Richard...what were you doing in the hamper?" She asked him as he yawned.

"Me and Brookie were playing hide and seek..." he yawned. Christine and Rich looked to one another worried.

"Honey do you remember what time you started your game..." rich asked. Michael nodded his head. Showing ten fingers and then two...twelve o clock... rich and Christine looked to one another again with worry and fear.

"'s 5 now..." Christine said as he looked to her worried. "They went to the village around twelve...I'm so sorry..." she said worried as Michael teared up...they forgot about him again... he sobbed running out of the room to his as Christine and Rich sighed.  "I swear when they get back in an hour I'm going to strangle them!" Christine said as rich nodded.

"We need to make him feel better...can you bake a small cake?" He asked her as she nodded grabbing her apron and running to the kitchen as rich got a messenger to tell the prince and princess a very strongly worded letter about how dare they forget their brother on his own birthday and that they need to find a way to fix it. The messenger took their horse into town as Rich went to his room to make something for Michael he's been working on for the prince.

When Jeremy and Brooke received the letter they felt like they were being executed. They forgot about Michael, and on his birthday! They knew they had to leave but not before going to a small store Michael loved when he went there the one time to see if there was anything they could get him for his birthday. Once they returned to the castle they found Christine and rich who promptly slapped them.

"How could you forget. HES YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!" Christine screamed at them.

"I know! We messed up really bad! But we got him something that we think he might like...we need to talk to father about giving us more time in our schedules to take care of Michael more..." Brooke signed worried as Christine huffed before hugging her.

"Sorry I yelled but he's like my brother too I love him." She said. Brooke nodded as Rich shows them what he made. Christine went to get the small cake as they wrapped the small gifts they got for Michael before going by his room knocking softly before opening it seeing their young brother crying on his bed. Brooke and Jeremy felt even more guilty as they were pushed in they walked towards his bed sitting down.

"Mikey...were so sorry we forgot..." Jeremy said as Brooke rubbed Michael's back. He kept sobbing softly as Brooke lifted him up so he can see them better.

"We are the worst siblings ever, but we wanted to try and make it up to you so we got you something when we were in the village..." Brooke said as Jeremy and Brooke gave him a book. "It's a fairytale book, we can read it to you before you go to sleep." Brooke smiled. Michael sniffled hugging the book seeing rich come over with something in a bow.

"I've been working on this for you for a long time your highness..." he smiled giving Michael the tiny dragon doll he made with various old cloths he got over the last year. Michael gasped hugging it excited.

"Thank you Richie..." he said softly as they heard a cough from the door seeing one of their father's personal guards.

"It's dinner time your highnesses." He told them as Brooke picked up Michael bringing him to the dining room where they were surprised to see their father sitting at the table.

"Father...your here..." Jeremy said shocked as he nodded seeing Michael.

"I'm here because it's Michael's birthday, I was told something he wanted more then anything was a family dinner. So I was able to find time for it..." he said as Michael teared up running to their dad hugging him. His father barely remembered he existed sometimes. He smiled as he put him in his chair to eat dinner and then Christines cake.

After dinner and desert Brooke did what she told him, and started to read one of the stories in his new book, not long after, he feel asleep hugging the dragon, or so she thought. Brooke kissed his head leaving his room quietly as she was met with her brother and father.

"Father we cant do these long events for so long anymore, we are starting to neglect Michael..."

"I know. But I can't do them alone, but I'm working on something to help aid our kingdom. Tomorrow afternoon the King of Smok and his two sons will be coming here to discuss kingdom duties. Perhaps they can aid us so something like this never happens again..." he sighed as they walked away from his room. Michael looked to the dragon dolly...kingdom of Smok? Who were they?

AHHHH POOR MICHAEL! He's such a precious and sad bean but don't worry, I'm sure tomorrow he will feel much better...or maybe someone will help him feel better. Sadly though this isn't the first time his family neglected the poor little prince, he's too tiny to do much so they just keep him in the castle where he can't get hurt for now atleast.

Anyways, only one more part of the prologue before the next chapter comes out! This one was a lot longer mainly because of ideas that came when writing plus I wanted to have the scene where they try to make him feel better instead of ending it with them not remembering at all and only giving him the book when he's asleep (trust me that book is important for the next part.) hopefully I finish that part sooner then later :)

Until then please comment and like this story if you...well liked it :)
More to come as the story continues~

1800 Words

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