Chapter 7

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"Flight 219 to Miami is now boarding. All passengers should report to the gate at this time." rang the voice over the intercom. Lauren stood from her current position and sighed while walking towards the plane. She looked around and spotted a fairly overweight guy that was picking his nose. Great, this was the guy that she was going to get stuck next to.

Lauren walked into the line that had formed at the counter and waited her turn to enter the aircraft. God how she hated waiting in lines, that is if she didn't have someone to keep him company.

It was finally Lauren's turn to give his ticket to the younger lady that was collecting them. The Lady smiled brightly at her and handed her back her stub, and she smiled halfheartedly then continued to her seat.

To her great surprise, there was not the disgusting fat man in the seat next to her; instead it was a girl with light brown hair that looked to be around her age. She lifted up her backpack and placed it in the overhead compartment before smiling down at her. The girl understood and stood up to let her get into the seat. She sat down and was followed by the young girl. "Hi, I'm Ariana. Ariana Grande" She smiled brightly.

"Lauren. Lauren Jauregui" She said while pulling her phone out of her back pocket to turn it off. "So, what were you in LA for?" Lauren asked while placing the black object back into her pocket. She seemed nice enough to her, and Lauren didn't want to give her the wrong impression by acting like a complete bastard.

"A cheerleading competition, but I had to leave early because my mom has to get surgery. It's nothing major, but I feel I should be there for her." Ariana explained as Lauren pulled out her i-Pod even though she couldn't listen to it until they were in the air. "What about you?" Ariana asked a distracted Lauren.

Lauren figured that it was better to tell the truth and that maybe there would be a slight chance that it would be easier to deal with if she talked about it. "Well, my girlfriend, Camila  and I came down because it was her birthday. And, I proposed to her." Ariana gasped and a huge smile covered her slim face.

"That's sooo romantic! Where is she?" Ariana paused for a minute after she said that, and that is when a look of complete horror crossed over her face. "Oh no, she didn't say no did she?" Lauren let out a small chuckle and genuinely smiled for the first time since the accident.

"No, no… Oh god no. She said yes, well she more like screamed it." A sigh of relief came from Ariana's mouth as Lauren's lips curved upward again.

"Then, I took her to the beach the next night for a private dinner for just the two of us, it was amazing. After we left and were driving back to the hotel, there was a blind curve. A truck coming the other way didn't see us and we didn't see him until it hit us. The car flipped…" Ariana was listening intently as if it was a movie and she couldn't look away. Her eyes formed tears as Lauren progressed into the story.

"I was okay, but she was unconscious. I pulled myself out and then went to the other side and pulled her out too. The ambulance came and took her and then me… I don't' remember what happened after that. One minute I was in the middle of the street and the next I was awake in a hospital bed. Camila was still in a coma when I woke up, and didn't wake up until two days ago, her parents were with her and I was in the food court with her sister." Lauren was finding it hard to continue, and was reflexively playing with the ring on her finger.

"Lauren, you don't have to finish… It must be really hard reliving it." It was definitely hard for her to go through it again, but the more that she talked about it, the better she was able to cope with it. She knew she couldn't keep everything bottled up inside of her so she continued with the story.

"No, it's okay… When I went to see her after her mother told me, she didn't know who I was. Camila's mother tried so hard to convince her that she had been in love with me for close to six years. Camila insisted that everyone was trying to play a sick joke on her. It turned out that she had some memory loss in the accident, and they don't know if it is going to return. She's going home with her parents and sister." Lauren finished and took a deep breathe.

Ariana had freely falling tears on her cheeks as she thought about how Lauren must feel."Oh my god." She said in a quiet voice that was barely audible. "I'm so sorry."

Lauren smiled slightly again and actually felt a little better about the situation since she had told someone. "I hope everything works out between you two. Do you have a picture?" Lauren nodded and pulled out her wallet before grabbing the picture that they had taken on the beach.

Lauren was wearing black bikini top with short shorts and Camila was wearing a white multi-colored polka dot bikini. The sun was shining down on them, and Lauren had her arms wrapped around Camila’s waist from behind and they were both laughing.

"She's beautiful Lauren." She took the picture back and placed it safely in her wallet before smiling again.

"Thanks." Lauren said. The two talked about random things for awhile longer and occasionally breaking out laughing; something Lauren had not done in a while. Then, they played cards, and before either of them knew it, they were about ten minutes away from Miami.

Lauren had not even needed her i-Pod after all. She never thought that a complete stranger could help her forget her problems. When the plane finally landed, Lauren and Ariana exchanged numbers in a completely friendly sort of way and walked to baggage claim together. Lauren's bags came, and she pulled them off the belt.

"Bye Ariana, thanks for everything." She hugged her and smiled. She was lucky that she was the one sitting next to her on that plane, or she would still be one hundred percent broken.

"You're welcome. Camila is a really lucky girl Lauren. You're a great girl." Ariana said and waved goodbye as Lauren returned to her bags uttering a goodbye one more time before heading out to her black range rover. She placed the luggage in the trunk and got into the drivers side before pulling out and making her way back to their first house that they had bought together. She knew that when she got there, she would be a complete wreck because she would see her everywhere, remembering all that little things that she did with her. She might have to ask and see if she could stay with Normani for awhile.

All she knew was that she had to find a way to fix this. Camila will remember if she had anything to do with it. Her only problem was getting there; she had no idea what to do in order to get there.

AN : Well, after this I will update this story slower :((( once a week, or maybe worst, once a month :(( sorryyyy 

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