Chapter 25

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“Camila ?” Lauen said and smiled brightly. Camila was wearing a pair of dark ripped skinny jeans and a plain red t-shirt. Her hair was down in perfect light waves with a bow on it and she had on natural makeup.

Camila stood there on the doorstep nervously while crossing her right arm over her stomach. She was avoiding eye contact with Lauren.

“I..umm..”She started to say and then looked up into Lauren eyes while biting her bottom lip. She spoke in a tiny voice “I don’t know why I’m here… I should probably go.” She looked down from Lauren’s powerful gaze and turned away from her to walk back to her car. Lauren reached out and grabbed her wrist softly, turning camila to face her.

“Please don’t go.” Lauren whispered softly while gazing into her eyes. This was the first time than Camila had approached her and she wasn’t going to let her leave like that. This could be the beginning of Camila accepting her again, letting Lauren get close to her again.

“Lauren, my mom doesn’t know where I am. She’s going to flip out when she realizes that I’m not home.” Camila argued and looked down at her sea blue painted toe nails.

No, Lauren wasn’t going to let her slip away, not again. She knew Camila’s mother pretty well and if she knew that Camila was at Lauren’s house in spite of what was happening, she would be more than ecstatic.

“Then tell me why you came?” Lauren said and dropped Camila’s arm slowly. Missing the tingling in her skin that Camila gave her. “If you were just going to leave.. why would you waste the gas ? I know you to well Camz.” Lauren crossed her arms across her chest and leaned up against the doorframe.

“I don’t know . I saw you playing basketball the other day and I just felt something pulling me to come here. I don’t know why or how, but something was calling me.” Lauren smiled and thought to herself, ‘maybe it’s the fact that this is her home..’

Camila once again avoiding Lauren’s eyes. Lauren leaned in the door frame and studied the beautiful image her wife-to-be-that-had-no-idea-how-much-she-wanted-to-kiss-her-at-that-moment as Camila swayed back and forth.

“You wanted answer didn’t you ?” Lauren asked in her husky voice and looked as the expression on Camila’s face changed.

 Camila blushed a little then nodded her head slowly. She was embarrassed that the girl she had been pushing away is the one that she turned to get the answer that she was looking for.

“Come in.” Lauren said as she moved out of the way. Camila stepped nervously into the house looking around at how it was decorated, the warm colors and soft fabrics appealed perfectly. It is exactly what Camila would have wanted in her house when she got to that point.

Lauren led her through the house to the kitchen, where she put on a pot of coffee and told Camila to wait there. “I’ll be right back Camz.” At that moment Camila realized that Lauren had a tattoo above her left pectoral that was Chinese, she had a feeling that she had seen this before, but couldn’t figure out where.“Okay.” Camila smiled softly as Lauren left the room.

After Lauren came back, they talked about random things that were going on in the world : the war, the economy, and basic small talk. They had each a few cups of coffee and Camila was really opening up to Lauren. Lauren cherished every moment that Camila would giggle or smile.

“So…umm…do you want to see the house ?” Lauren asked nervously as the two of they were running out of things to talk about without it getting too deep. It was the first thing that popped into her head and she hoped deep inside that something in the house might jog Camila’s memory. She saw these things every day for the past months while they had lived together, something was bound to look familiar.

“Yeah I guess..” Camila smiled and stood up from the seat at the counter. Lauren turned to walk out of the room and headed to the living room with Camila right behind her. Every room that the pair entered, Camila would say how much she loved the design and that she wanted her house to be just like it.

Lauren hold back from saying ‘it is your house..’ or ‘you did design this..’ Camila was killing her slowly. Eating away at her aching heart without even realizing it.

The last room that the pair had to go was the bedroom. Not just any bedroom. But, the one that the two of them shared and made love in more times that either of them could count. Lauren couldn’t decide if she was going to show Camila the room or just by pass it entirely. It would just bring her even more pain than she already had.

Lauren made up her mind. In order to shield her almost entirely shattered heart, she was just going to walk past the closed door and not show it to Camila. Lauren made her way slowly down the hall, trying to act nonchalant about not going into that room, but Camila didn’t follow her lead. She stopped outside of the room in front of the closed door.

“Lauren, what’s this room?” She asked in a quiet tone. Uneasy about how Lauren would react to that question.

Lauren stopped and sighed quietly so that Camila couldn’t hear her. She turned around and smiled a little. Lauren nervously placed her hand on the back of her neck and stepped back to the door with her. “Umm my room, its nothing really,” she lied. “You can check it out if you want.”

Camila smiled and placed her hand on the doorknob. She didn’t know why she insisted on going into the room. Her wrist turned and she heard the click of the lock being opened before pushing forward lightly and watched as the door swung open.

Camila's jaw dropped at the sight of the gorgeous décor of the room. It was sophisticated, yet not too fancy that it was unlivable. It definitely had a sexy appeal to it. The walls were a deep red color, bringing in the sense of passion to the room; while the comforter was bright white, almost too white which brought in a sense of purity and innocence to the room. And there were the black pillows that showed the deep lust and naughtiness at the same time.

Camila stepped into the room, inhaling the sweet scent of Lauren and closing her eyes for a second. She would positively recognize that scent anywhere. It was overwhelming and intoxicating but Camia loved every second of it.

Lauren watched from the doorway as Camila stepped into their most precious room that they shared. She took slow steps in the room, soaking everything in that was around her. She ran her fingers across the comforter and took in the softness of it, the comfort that they had shared together for so long. She looked at the TV, and ran her fingers along the top of the dresser that it was sitting on. They had watched countless movies together in this room… if it was sad, Lauren would comfort her; if it was funny, they would laugh together; and if it was scary, she would protect her.

Camila wandered around the room until she looked into the bathroom. There was a whirlpool bathtub and a separate shower with glass doors separating it from the rest of the room. She loved the soft blue and beige colors of the bathroom. After taking in the whole room from the soft and fluffy carpet to the ceiling fan, she realized something. There was no way that Lauren designed this by herself. She turned around and faced her.

"Lauren, you didn't design this yourself did you? This whole house is so put together and…" she trailed off. Her mind came to an abrupt halt and looked over at Lauren. Her brown eyes met her green in a fiery stare, green meeting brown once again that night.

AN : Laters :P

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