Chapter 43 - "There's the Haley Day I know."

Start from the beginning

Haley's eyes widened. "What? Really? Why didn't you do anything?"

The distant look in Jace's eyes told of a mess of thoughts. Sensing a story, Haley tucked her hands behind her, ready to hear it.

"Josie is not someone you simply ask out," he said. "I've seen her turn down enough guys to know she hates the ones that don't take time to actually know her and only ask her out because they think she's hot." He shrugged. "I also know that with what most people think of me she would say no without even waiting for me to finish. That's why I have spent the last three months becoming her friend so she knows the rumors aren't true."

"You friend-zoned yourself?"

Jace held up his index finger. "Yes, with the clear intent of also getting myself out of the friend-zone."

"Risky move, she might still turn you down and that means you wasted three months for nothing."

Jace shook his head, grinning to himself. "No, it's not because now I have someone amazing that I get to call a friend however this turns out."


He lifted his head, meeting her gaze, eyebrows raised in question.

"I hope it works out."

"Yeah, me too. Now go get dressed." He straightened. "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

The question threw Haley back to the first time he had offered. Imaging the pair they were then to now made her smile.

"I'll take that smile as a yes. We leave in an hour. My dad said I can take the Cadillac." He took a step back towards his room. "Also eat before you get dressed or you will regret it."

"Personal experience."

"Ten female cousins, Haley Day, ten!"

He spun around but before he disappeared back into his room, Haley called out to him.

"What made you like Josie after all the time you've known her."

A grin spread across Jace's face making him look almost boyish. "She called me out for being annoying once. Spoke completely in Spanish. Hottest thing ever."

Haley laughed as he walked away. Taking his advice, she ate something then took a shower. As she stood in front of the mirror, her hair wet and wearing a pair of ratty shorts and a t-shirt, she realized she had no idea what to do. Stressing for a moment, she left the bathroom and went downstairs. In the dining room, she found her mother, work laid out around her on the table.


Her mother glanced up. "What's up, sweetheart?"

Self-conscious, Haley held out her hands then dropped them. "Can you help me get ready for prom?"

Beaming, her mother rose. "What do you want to do?"

"I have no idea."

Her mother hugged Haley's shoulders and gave them a quick squeeze. "All right, we'll go with something simple. Do you want makeup? I can make it look natural."


As her mother helped Haley get ready, she shared more stories about her own prom, about the hot pink dress she had worn and the moments that were snapshots in her mind. More than enjoying the stories, Haley loved seeing the happy smile on her mother's face, hoping that one day it could be as prominent as it looked in that moment.

"You're done! Take a look," her mother said.

Pressing her hands down the front of her dress, Haley stepped in front of her parent's full-length mirror. What she saw made her smile. She looked hardly any different than most days. Her hair was pulled up into a simple french twist and her makeup subtly highlighted her features without turning her into a glamorized version of someone else. She still looked like herself.

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