Chapter 41 - "Why are you lying?"

Start from the beginning

Haley shook her head and shrugged. "It's hard to say."

Trying to sum up weeks of missteps, misunderstandings, and a lot of assumptions into one or two short sentences seemed impossible. Dana nodded, understanding without needing to be told. Before the two of them could find another line of conversation the counselor's door opened and Faith stuck her head out.

"Haley, do you have a moment?" she asked.


Faith stepped back as Haley entered and took the open seat. The door click shut and Faith settled behind her desk. The smile she offered up was the one she always wore, kind and relaxed. She leaned back in her chair and placed her elbows on the armrests like they were two friends there for a chat.

"I saw the Senior Day Fair," she said. "It was wonderful, you should be proud."

Haley beamed. "I am. It was a lot of work but in the end, it was worth it."

"So you're not still mad at me for making you work on it?"

"I wasn't-"

Faith raised her eyebrows, stalling Haley's denial. Haley fidgeted, not meeting the counselor's gaze.

"It's okay, I understand that you didn't want to do it, but I'm happy you still stuck with it. There is so much in life that won't be easy or fun to do but if you find the determination in yourself to make it through you'll be the better for it. Like now, you have something to add to your college application that will beef it up."

Haley nodded. "Thanks."

"Of course. If you find you need help with your applications I'm here."

"Thanks, I just might."

When Haley slipped back into the main office, she found Dana was on a phone call. Taking up her position behind the desk, she waited for something to do. It appeared in the form of Josie rushing through the front doors. She let out a breath when she saw Haley. Her hair looked a bit tangled like she had been messing with it too much and the smile she normally wore was strained.

"Hey, can I get fifty copies of these?" she asked.

"Sure, are you okay?" Haley asked.

Josie waved a frantic hand. "A couple of things have fallen through with prom and so everyone on the council is scrambling. If I don't spend the majority of my weeknights here I will be extremely shocked. Rachel and Kia are keeping level heads about it, but it's a lot of problems that appeared out of nowhere."

"Can I help?" The question popped out without a second thought and Haley found she didn't regret.

"Actually yes, could you just bring these copies to the Counsel room once they're done? It would be great if I could just get back now."

Haley took the sheet of paper. "Of course."

Letting out a sigh, Josie left with a quick wave. The copy machine whirred, the vibrations sending small tremors through Haley's hands. Despite all the times she had been annoyed with Ty and Josie for their constant chatter about people she didn't know, it felt strange not to have the hum of their voices accompanying the machine.

When the last page spat out, Haley collected the stack and headed out. The day was as pleasant as the morning had promised it would be, the sunlight warm but not overbearing. As Haley drew closer to the Counsel room, the rise of voices increased.

In the doorway, she paused. The room that was decorated with school spirit posters. Two long tables were at the center of a storm of movement. Prom decoration littered the floor, tabletops and any space that wasn't holding a person. It looked like silver and blue had thrown up all over the place. Haley scanned the place for a familiar face to pass the copies off to.

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