[1] Yona and Rue

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"I'm almost done.... but this hair won't behave!" The red headed princess, Yona whined. She fumbled through more clothing and still wasn't ready.

Min-Soo looked at the other servants who were struggling to hold the pile of clothes that the young princess was throwing at them. She was rather violent with how she was throwing around her clothes.

Min-Soo was a shaman who was officially the attendant of Princess Rue but in her absence he served under King and Second Princess.

He sighed for the hundredth time and groaned lightly, 'Princess Rue please come back! I really can not do this anymore.'

"Princess we really should be going to the opening ceremony. You look beautiful, please let us go." Min-Soo was basically pleading as he realized that this Princess was going nowhere today, especially the ceremony.

'How are Princess Rue and Princess Yona so different? Why can't Princess Yona be at least a little bit punctual? Princess Rue, please come back!'

Min-Soo didn't hate the red haired female in fact he was used to her tantrums. He believed that her tantrums were an essence of her innocence and compassion. But sometimes he really wished that the young princess would be a bit responsible.

"Yes. yes I am almost done!"

'You have been saying that for an hour now.' Min-Soo sweat-dropped.

"NO! Not this one. Where is that calico?" Yona asked as she rummaged through the drawers.

'I give up on this princess.' Min-Soo mentally animatedly sobs.

"Now, now what's going on here?" King Il asked in surprise and humor as he entered the messy room. Behind him was Hiryuu castle's protector, Son Hak.

"Father! Oh no... is the ceremony over? I'm so sorry!" Yona apologized, but her father just laughed it off in his usual carefree self.

'Of course it's over.' Min-Soo mentally remarked.

"Ah, no worries. It wasn't that much important."

'Sure, Il-Heika tell her that. As if the opening of a Princess's birthday ceremony isn't supposed to be done with her presence. It is written in the rulebook!' Min-Soo sighed yet again.

"I would have come earlier but this hair would not just behave!" She grumbled.

"Now there is nothing wrong with you-"

"Well, I do believe that I was born with a cute face but my hair is not cute at all!"

"Now, your hair is also marvelous. What do you think, Hak?"

The raven head, placed his weapon against the doorway, and crossed his arms. His lips pulled into a straight line.

"If anything is wrong, then that wouldn't be her hair. People would say it is her brain that is wrong and damaged." His blunt answer causing King Il and Min-Soo to sweat drop.

"Father! Silence this peasant!" Shouted the princess, as she grabbed various valuable items and threw them at the general who dodged it and caught them in his hands.

"Now, Yona. Hak is your childhood friend and also one of the five generals. He is also your bodyguard, nevertheless." The King said in hopes of stopping the madness. Which of course failed.

"Then change him! I want someone cuter! Maybe someone cute like Min-Soo!" The princess continuing her attacks shouted back.

'I rather not Princess......' Min-Soo deadpanned and stepped back sweating furiously.

"Yo princess. Shouldn't you go to the gates to greet Lord Soo Won? I heard he already arrived." Said Hak, which made Yona stop her attacks and run outside, muttering why he didn't say so before.

"Soo Won? I don't quite understand." The King asked in confusion.

"Well, maybe it is what you call a maiden's heart." The general replied, making the old man even more confused. Hak walked out the room and went to find the red haired princess.

At that moment, a maid came rushing into the room. She seemed to be out of breathe as she panted.

"Princess.... princess Rue sent a letter stating that she is on her way to the palace!" The maid exclaimed with shock. Everyone's eyes widened, she really was back.



Yona ran through the halls as she bumped into several palace workers. Her running caused some of them to even drop the hinges that they were carrying.



"Princess, don't run in the halls!"

Shouts were heard as the palace workers tried their best to make the jumpy female listen to them. But like it is said. Love makes people blind but in Yona's case-expected but sadly- deaf.

"Soo-Won!" She shouted.

'My older cousin by three years, my precious Soo-Won!'

Yona was reminiscing her cousin's and love interest's memories with her. As she turned the corner Yona bumped into a hard chest and strong arms held before she fell.


A familiar soft, masculine voice rang out. Yona looked up into warm, blue irises staring back into her purple ones. Long, light blonde hair pulled into a loose ponytail and short stray hairs framed his forehead.

"Calm down now. You might hurt yourself. Anyways, congratulations on your 16th birthday Yona-Hime." The blonde male, Soo-Won, smiled warmly.

"Uh.... yes.. thank you. Soo-Won are you staying longer this time?" Yona asked, hope laced in her words.

"Yes. I'll be staying longer this time."

"Really? Yes! Rue nee-san said that she will also stay for my birthday!" She cheered.

"Oh is that so? It has been so long since we saw Rue. I wonder how she has been."

"Soo-Won I want to tell you tha-"

"Ah! I'll go and greet Il-Heika and Hak! It has been awhile." With that, the blonde male ran off leaving behind a dejected young Princess.

Yona sulked as she murmured to herself. "I got myself so prepared since the morning. I applied the best scented incense and most fragrant perfumes. I even dressed myself in the most smooth of silks and makeup."

"All of that for nothing. Poor Princess." Hak smirked and joked at the crouched Princess.

"Shut up!"

"I was only saying the truth."

With that Hak again ran off with Yona after him throwing things at him and shouting at him.


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