Chapter 23 Neil's Story

Start from the beginning

  I then say "The inside of the house is finished by my standards all the rooms are set up everything is ready inside just the backyard needs work and you forgot to say one thing, Neil." The others run up the stairs and find the whole house finished. they seem surprised but then again magic is useful and the electricity would not be working today without it. they also see the rooms already set up for the kids as well surprising them more than the fact that every floor is ready and looks very welcoming.

 Ash gets a call hugs me and whispers in my ear "My mom called and we got into a fight. I am going to ride my motorcycle to relax myself." 

I nod allowing her to go with permission. Then I yell to her "When you get back we are talking about what your mom said." She nods before stepping out of the house. 

Fran sits down and looks at the plans especially the sixth floor where her room is with Liliths. She looks at me and says "How do you know me and my sister like sleeping up high and her preference to be by a balcony?" 

I look at her surprised and say "Wait Hanaka angel or Lilith is your sister? I have been seeing her in other realities and visions of the future so I put her on the floor I felt she would like so are you really related to Rob, Extremely rich, in apartment 401." 

She nods and says "Yes. How do you know him? He is still alive, I have called him."

I say "I used to live in the Addison apartments in apartment 402 we were neighbors and he funded our ghost adventures when I was in my senior year the rest were in the sophomore year before I got arrested. I skipped two years and I graduated when I was 16." She laughs and Neil walks in hearing the whole conversation with Fran. He standing there confused getting ready to head to the hotel before I stop him. but the effort was foiled by me, my powers, and with Laura teleporting to stop Neil from leaving.

Ash ran in pushing Neil farther in. She runs to me I kiss her then kiss the top of her head causing her to cuddle into me and pass out. I start rubbing her back as she make minor movement showing the back pain has settled. Everyone meets in the living room seeing Ash on me, Laura, Fran, and an invisible force stopping Neil from leaving. Todd sees what's going on with Neil and sighs I release my hold on Neil and with Laura being Laura scaring the fuck out of him by pulling her two guns out by accident causing Neil to go on a rant about gun safety and the kids' safety. Him making me laugh waking up a very tired, confused, and freaked out Ash. Larry to summon his two guns. Everyone else to burst out laughing and Fran backed away. When my dad walks back to the room hearing Neil ranting about gun safety he pulls out his CIA issue gun causing everyone to pull out all their weapons or claw me without a weapon or dangerous non-physiological powers that I can show. I start rubbing Ash's back causing her to relax and pass out again. I hug her and get up carrying Ash to our room singing a soft tune. I had made the adult rooms soundproof.  For some reasons and to keep her asleep when she needs it. I head to the second floor and go through the art studio then the art studio closet through the secret-passage way to meditation room I had set up for me to use my Royal insight and train with it. I open the sensory deprivation tank and sit in it in my swim trunks and a t-shirt Turning my legs into a mermaid tail and fall asleep and enter the next reality.

An hour later 

(Ash's POV)

  I wake up to Larry bursting in the room him freaking out and asking where is Sal. I sit up and say "Probably in the game room or in the meditation room".

He asks "What meditation room?" 

I say "I will show you it."

 I head to the second floor and go through the art studio then the art studio closet through the secret passage way to the meditation room. When Larry sees it he is very surprised to see no Sal I laugh and knock on the sensory deprivation chamber. Sal got the idea for it from stranger things and passing out in the bathtub with the merman power actively strengthing his power. I see it open to see a happy and relaxed Sal getting ready to get out. He goes up to Larry and says "No, you can not do weed in here and the only reason I forgot to show you this room when it was finished was because I forgot you don't know some secret passages but some you will have to find on your own." Larry nods being himself around the foot shorter person Sal. Leads us out of the entrance that we came through scaring Maple because Sal's hair is drenched but the rest of him is dry somehow. 

we all go downstairs to see Neil on the ground being held down by Laura and Fran. I laugh and head upstairs or should I say try to. I get stopped by Sal and he kisses my cheek He sits me on the couch and talks to the three fighting luckily Neil has not got a room at the hotel. I talk to Max and Zach, which they are talking about baby plans. I see Maple, Soda, Valorie, Katie, and Rachel sitting with us. The kids start a board game while we are talking about family stuff.

To be continued............

Angels, Demons, Powers, and Probation (Sal X Ash) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now