Chapter 17 The First Letter and December Blues

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 Two days after Laura found out

Sals Pov 

I wake up to ash crying much like I saw in the dream so I frown. She notices I am awake and hugs me says "Sal I lost the baby." I comfort her and lay down and relax her. Cooing and whispering in her ear getting her to pass out on me. Todd wakes up to Ash's soft snores and Max kicking him of the bed when he see me I am messing with Ash's lilac hair to keep her calm. while silent tear rundown my face a streak  of blood fill tears from my left blind eye and a streak of normal tear from my right eyes todd hand me some tissues and says and asks "you're crying blood?" in a unsure maner. 

'Well this is new.' I thought as I rub my hand through the blood fill tears before I start cleaning my face again "She lost the baby" I say quietly.

He looks at me and asks "What?" 

I look at him and say a little louder "She lost the baby."

he looks at me frowning and says "I am so sorry."

I text everyone else that Knows about the pregnancy and tell them luckily I only have to tell Larry, Laura, and Blue Jay because Max will find out through Todd. 

a hour later 

I get up to get mail for me and Ash. I transform into a cat to get the mail unbothered. I walk to the mailbox for the students and get our mail I got a letter from a unknown address so I open it then and there and almost choke on my own spit as i read it. it read

Dear King Sal Azure,

You may be asking why we are calling you a king. Well that is because your long lost heir to the throne of rainbowtopia and in a few months you will officially able to get the throne back from the rouge family who dethroned your family. We know you have a power called royal insight. you may be thinking this is a joke it is not and this is true everything you are reading. Show this to your future wife Ashley Campbell, your family and friends will be happy. Your sister told you most of the things you will know and if you do want the throne sign the other form if you want the job. and till the job is ready for you you can have another job. and if you sign the form we will send most of info you will need to know and every book your mom ever wrote in and sent to us okay.

Sincerely, your grandparents on your moms side and a part of rebellion.

I sign the form and put it in the other envelope in the manila envelope and put it back in the mailbox. and go and show ash the letter while she sets up the next doctor appointment.

she smiles and hugs me and ask me "Did you sign it? " I nod and say "yes." she hugs and kisses me and then she frowns and starts tearing up. we hug and we cuddle for a while to relieve some thoughts both of us have about the future.

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Angels, Demons, Powers, and Probation (Sal X Ash) (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora