Chapter 23 Neil's Story

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(Ash's Pov)

"So Larry and Laura are demon angel hybrids, You and Sal are what Rainbowtopians and Sal is a long lost heir to the throne of a hidden island country they originate from, Todd is a mage and works for a government company he can't tell me, he is engaged to a male pregnant were-cat who is also a model, Maple is a Wiccan witch and vampire, Ash had a curse, you have to kill hell demons, Ash had a miscarriage, Sal already knew that I would arrive with Zach asking to be forgiven, Travis is fine, and you own this house in this crazy town," Neil said pretty much explaining everything we just said.

Sal laughs and says with me "Yup pretty much and we know you knew some other stuff but tell us why you left." The last part he says as he takes off his mask showing Neil his mostly healed face surprising Neil. 

Continue on

(Sal's Pov)

Me and Ash are sitting on the couch surrounded by our friend waiting for Neil's explanation. Then Max, Sam, Dean (Lavender's boyfriend), Katie, Valorie, Dad, Fran, Dinna, and Soda run into the house. This caused half of us to facepalm because we forgot to mention Sam and Neil to be more confused when Sam pulled her sword out and pointed it at Neil yelling "Die, villain." 

I get up and say "Calm down Sis he is good." As I peacefully disarm her. She then turns invisible and heads to her boyfriend turning visible again. A jealous Max sits on Todd's lap giving Neil the stink eye which is quite a sight because Max is taller than Todd by a foot. I turn to see Ash chuckle and get up and take the twins and Soda to get some cake. I turn to Neil and say "I forgot to mention I have a long-lost twin sister and her name is Lavender but she does not like people who hurt others much like Blue Jay." 

I hear some others start laughing before Neil says "How do you know I was going to ask? 'Who she is?' Yes I will start explaining." 

I laugh, nod, and say "Yes please do that."

He says "Here we go. It all started after the fifth time I tried to visit Todd or you Sal. That is a little fuzzy. *He said that part under his breath* My parents went to Ash's apartment. I was staying there and she was at her job at the time it happened. They told me to break up with you and date a girl not knowing you were in an asylum at the time so we got into an argument and I told them what happened. They said that I should do it either way. and after they left the apartment I packed up my stuff and left town and went to college for culinary school and teaching with a little veterinary school. Two years ago I met Zach while he was running from a pack situation and he accidentally scratched me I came here because I heard about you guys, the werewolf pack in this town. and the better college so I can finish my degree. I just wanted to apologize to everyone." He takes a break and we all just process what he just said. 

You see I can tell if someone is lying and I cannot tell a lie either so I say "He is telling the truth." Ash nods and Neil smiles a little. 

Todd and Larry then say slightly out of sync "Oh jeez we forgot that you can tell if someone is telling a lie that is still freaky."

Laura just interrupts us by saying "Congrats!!" We laugh knowing what she means.

Ash then says "Zach are you? Laura only does that if she sees someone who she didn't know was pregnant. She did that when she caught on with me. With me hiding it if she couldn't see auras she wouldn't have known. If I did not tell her more than the few that found out by accident would have known." 

Larry adds on "She can be like that. Even me."

  I say/ ask "Do you need a place to stay you can stay here I have a room set up for you I knew this would happen so don't question me." I get up and show the plans with the rooms marked in. no noticed I find it kind of funny they did not notice my neat tiny handwriting in that room. Then Gizmo walks in with this kitten we found we call Galaxy and Mr. Midnight. They notice my handwriting has improved and in a few other rooms for the kids and the others that will stay with us. 

Angels, Demons, Powers, and Probation (Sal X Ash) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now