Chapter 24: Roman

Start from the beginning

"Elle," I turn around from half way up to see Harry still standing at the bottom with his hands on his hips. He looks like a three year old and I'm almost preparing for him to drop to the ground and start throwing a tantrum. "Seriously, can't I just wait here?"

"Harold," I widen my eyes at him, tapping my toe. "He's your fucking cousin for god's sake. Don't sound so scared about it."

After putting off the visit for weeks I finally decided it was time to stop by Andrew's, Matt's older brother. Harry really doesn't want to come along, as he's told me multiple times already, but I promised him we would do something afterwards if he went with me. I'm not sure why, but going to see Andrew on my own doesn't seem like a good idea right now.

"I don't think you understand, Ellison," he shakes his head, blinking his eyes quickly. "He tormented me as a child."

"You really haven't seen him since you've been here? It's been months."

Harry told me as we were walking from Annie's that he hasn't seen Andrew since he's been in South Dakota. I understand that he gets along better with Matt but it still surprises me that he hasn't even stopped by the gas station Andrew works at to say hello.

"No," he says as he trudges up the few stairs that are in-between us, standing next to me. "I think Bonnie and Jeff," Matt's parents, "are mad at him for something. When I mentioned him everyone went silent. I don't really mind though, like I said he tortured me."

"I think you're being a bit dramatic," I sigh, not believing Harry. I've known Andrew for years and while he isn't necessarily the best person I've met, he isn't awful either.

"I'm not," Harry insists. "Please, I can wait out here."

"Harry," I stare at him from where I stand on the middle of the steps. "It will take five minutes and then we can do whatever you wanted to do. What did you want to do again?"

"Get pizza and go to that outdoor movie they are showing at the park," he mumbles, looking slightly annoyed that I can't remember, because I'm sure he's told me multiple times by now.

"Yeah," I nod quickly before finishing the walk up the stairs. "I promise we'll get pizza and go to the movie afterwards. It really won't be that bad. Plus you should see your cousin."

I'm slightly surprised when I notice Harry following my steps to Andrew's door. I was starting to think I wouldn't be able to convince him, but that doesn't seem to be the case. He lets out an irked sigh but I can tell it's his way of saying okay to my plan. He's sure to drag his feet the whole fifteen feet to Andrew's door though, it's as though he's thinking if he takes long enough I'll change my mind and skip the entire visit.

I knock on the green door. The paint is chipping in the corners and there is a rusty number nine in the middle of it. I can hear what sounds like reggae music playing loudly through the door. I contemplate barging in because I'm not sure it's possible to hear my knocks over the commotion but I decide not to, not knowing what illegal things he may be doing in there.

When the door does open I'm not exactly surprised that it isn't Andrew considering his constant flow of people in out of this place. I am surprised though that it happens to be that douchebag from the fireworks stand a few weeks ago. I guess he really wasn't lying when he said that he is friends with Andrew.

He smiles when he notices me and it sends shivers down my spine. I feel Harry get closer to me when he recognizes the guy, his hand reaching behind my back, resting there softly. The guy, I can't seem to remember his name, just stares at us and I'm not sure why none of us have managed to say anything yet.

"Well hello to you, Elle," he smirks at me, remembering exactly who I am even though I can't seem to remember his insignificant name. "How are you doing this fine morning?"

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