I guess he doesn't like getting visitors

He looks at me and I stick my tongue out at him and he growls again, clenches his fists and walks off

He looked so hot in that moment. I don't know why I always think guys getting angry is hot. Well not all guys. Just him. That's why I always piss him off.

He growls too much though

Deciding that I'm going to bother him again, I jump up and walk off to where he went

I get to the foyer and I see him talking to someone, I don't know who because his huge body is covering the person. I assume that it's either Ashton or Adam since no one else in the pack knows where his house is.

I'm hungry. I walk towards the kitchen to make myself some food.

"Baby, you look so tense. Let me help you relieve some of this tension" I hear a voice say. A female voice

I know that voice. I freeze.

"Not now Brittany" I hear Xavier say

"Valianteeeee" she says in a whiney voice

"It's Alpha to you. Do not forget who you are and where your place is, or do I need to remind you?" Xavier says in that sexy voice

I just roll my eyes and mean to walk off when I hear

"I can make you feel so good and-" she says but stops herself "Oh I see. So you're turning me away because of this bitch"

I walk off into the kitchen and rummage through the cabinets and find a pack of sweets I take it and make my way back towards the cinema

The whole time I was in the kitchen I heard them arguing. Well more her. He remained quiet

"Hey bitch!" She calls out as I walk by "I thought I told you to stay away from him"

"And I thought I told you to stay out of the sun. Plastic melts you know?" I respond

"I've had it up to here with your attitude! I am the Luna and Queen of this pack and you have no right here!" She screeches almost rendering me deaf "Now, I demand that you leave this premises. You are no longer welcome here. Go or be thrown out"

"Bitch I wish yo stupid ass would try to throw me out." I say plopping down on the couch and eating my sweets

"What are you even doing here?" She asks then turns to Xavier "Vali what is she doing here? I thought no one knew about this place?"

"That's a good question Vali. What is she doing here?" I ask

I roll my eyes. Vali is such a stupid name

"Brittany who I allow in my house is none of your damn business, and as I've said before, it's Alpha to you" he says growing annoyed

He's only getting annoyed now?  Sheesh his tolerance level is high. I just look at her and I'm annoyed

"Look bitch this is my home. Mine and my King's home so I suggest-" she says but your girl cut her off

"Hold on." I say holding my hand up "Your King?" I ask

"So I guess that means she knows then?" I ask Xavier

"Not everything" he says "Besides my siblings and now you, no one knows the whole story"

"I'm honoured" I say sarcastically

"What do you mean her? What does she know that I don't?" Little miss annoyance asks

"Everything babygirl. For example. If you don't get outta here soon, your ass is going to be leaving on a stretcher" I say

"The only one that should be leaving is you!" She says walking up to me "He's mine! My mate, my King! I'm his Queen!"

"Ohhhhh" I say "I get it! The only reason you're so interested in him is because you wanna be Queen? That's sad dude"

"I will be Queen" she says

"No if I have anything to say about it" I respond

"I need a drink" Xavier says then wanders off

"I'll have a glass of champagne please love" the Loch Ness monster says causing him to growl.

I don't think he likes being ordered around

"Can you bring me a glass of water please? My throat is as dry as this bitches pussy" I say

She gasps and goes to slap me

I grab her palm and push her back

"Chickita, trust me. You really don't want to pick a fight with me. I will break more than just your nails" I say standing up

Xavier walks back in with a bottle of water and hands it to me

"Spanks you" I say causing him to roll his eyes.

With the amount of times he rolls his eyes I'm starting to believe we really were made for each other

"Where's my Champagne babe?" She asks looking sad

"I am not your slave Ms. Matthews" he says in a dark voice that has me quivering

What is wrong with me? I've never been horny a day in my life, now all of a sudden everything he does goes straight to my vagina

"But you got her the water and she insulted me. I'm your Queen" she says with her bottom lip quivering

"No. You're not. Get out of my sight before I kill you!" He says stepping up to her

I pull him back by his arm. Damn this guy is built! I wouldn't mind having these arms wrapped around me as he holds me up against the wall and has his sinful way with me.

"You stupid bitch! You took everything from me! Now watch! Watch how I take everything from you!" She says looking kinda psycho "I will ruin you! You bitch, I'm going to ruin you!"

At that moment some guards walk in and start escorting her out

"I will end you!" She says kicking and screaming "I WILL END YOU!!!"

"Please don't tell me you had a thing with her?" I ask Xavier

"She was just around for sex." He says like he's talking about the weather "But she's annoying as fuck"

"Well you sure know how to pick 'em" I say walking away

"Yeah, I guess that's why the moon Goddess had to choose you for me. Or else I would've made the wrong decision" he says

"Damn straight!" I shout over my shoulder as I walk up the stairs


Also please

Follow me on Instagram: @Skittle_Queen13

Follow me on TikTok: @SkittlesNdRainbows

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