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Azi woke up early and ran downstairs "it's my 16 birthday!" He chimed happily and giggled "where are my presents?" He knew what he'd be getting but he loved opening the gifts regardless, always grateful for receiving something. The presents were usually clothes and books "sorry kid, we didn't get you any" Azi pouted but not like a spoiled child "why not?" His mom rolled her eyes "you still owe us 136 dollars for sweater vests and dress shirts you have ruined" Azi frowned "but I have no more money, I told you all that" his dad nodded "so we decided no gifts and no party. Just go about your day as if it was normal" he pat Azi's hair and left the room "no birthdays for attention whores" he mumbled so only Azi heard it.


During lunch Azi sat alone, he was sad that his parents didn't get him anything for his birthday "angel?" Azi looked up and smiled a little seeing Anthony "hello Tony" Anthony handed him a cupcake "happy birthday you spoiled kid" Azi teared up "I-I appreciate the gesture but I don't want the cupcake, just pretend this day is normal. I'm not spoiled" Azi HATED being called spoiled because he wasn't. Anthony frowned "hold the fuck up" he set the cupcake down "why?" Azi wiped his eyes "I don't want to talk about it..." he stood up and ran inside the school. Azi walked into his class and sat in his desk. When the bell rang he stood up, walked up to his teacher, and asked her if he could say something to the class, she nodded.

Once everyone was settled into their seats, Azi spoke up "hello, I know I'm not well liked in the school. I'm not even sure why but I just wanted to say that I'm not going to be attending this school anymore" his teacher frowned "why not?" Azi was trying hard not to cry "my parents don't appreciate my behavior the last 6 months of us living here. They are forcing me to be homeschooled so they can keep a strict hold on me"

-this morning-

Azi was rubbing his eyes "I'm really not getting presents mom?" His mom sighed "Azi leave me alone, today is just a normal day! Stop pestering me!" Azi nodded "okay mom" regardless of being shouted at he said "I love you" then walked to the living room "Azi, today I want you to tell your homeroom you won't be attending the public schools anymore" Azi's eyes widened "what! Why!?" His father sighed and set down his newspaper "you need to learn discipline!" He was annoyed and angry "you keep lashing out, I want you right here where I can keep an eye on you all the time Azi" he smirked "I can make you obedient and I can shape you up to be a good little boy"

Azi was scared, he didn't want to stop seeing Anthony or learning in school. Azi ran out of the house and got to school about 5 minutes later. Azi spent the hour alone, crying in the library. The only thing that went through his mind was what his dad would do to him. Azi imagined him getting stuff wrong on his homework. Azi heard someone slam a ruler on a desk again, he squeaked and trembled 'oh my God, please...' he mentally reached out to his guardian angel 'please end my suffering'

-back to present-

Anthony knew that something was up, he spoke up "we should celebrate Azi's 16th birthday today!" The teacher smiled "oh wow, happy 16th Azi! Do you have anything planned today?" Azi shot a look at Anthony "no I don't" he looked down "but turning 16 is special!" Azi wiped his eyes "because I have been ruining my clothes" he didn't blame it on anyone else "I been paying with my allowance money to replace them, I'm behind in my payments so this year I get no party and no gifts because I still owe 136 dollars. In total I ruined over 400 dollars worth of clothing"

Anthony stood up and slammed his good hand on his desk "that's bullshit!" He was mad "debt or not every kid deserves a sweet 16!" The teacher nodded "I agree" Anthony then said "my dad is dirt fucking poor but on my birthday he gives me gifts and a party, your parents fucking suck" the door to the classroom opened and Azi's father stood there "What have I told you about swearing Azi?" Azi opened his mouth to speak but closed it. What was the use anyways, he'd just get yelled at "sorry father..." Azi teared up, visible for everyone to see. His wrist was groped tightly and he was dragged towards the door by his father.

Azi didn't want this, he didn't want to go "no!" He yanked his wrist back "I won't leave! I belong here! Whether I'm wanted or not!" Azi's father was mad "don't make a scene, we are going home!" Azi backed away "no, I'm not going home!"

Anthony had been saving up money for something but that didn't matter anymore. Anthony tugged 500 dollars out of his wallet and walked over to Azi's father "here" he put the money in his hands "my friends and I have been bullying Azi, we ruined his clothes and caused him harm. Azi has forgiven me since I atoned for my actions with simplistic good deeds" everyone's jaws dropped.

"that's the smartest thing he's said in his life" Beatrice snickered "now Beatrice, Hassan, apologize to Azi and his father" Beatrice growled "thanks for throwing us under the bus fuck face" Anthony glared at them "I didn't even want to hurt him after the second day because it was boring! You two kept pressuring me and threatening me, what was I supposed to do?"

Azi was so overjoyed he yanked Anthony into a tight hug. Anthony just pat his back awkwardly "there there?" He didn't know what to say. Anthony pulled away and smiled "cmon angel, lets sit down" Azi's dad immediately shot Anthony a dirty look "why are you calling my son angel?!" Azi smiled at his dad "because I told him my full name" his dad nodded, he understood what that meant "oh" he then walked out the door and was gone, Azi had never been so happy in his entire life.

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