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Azi went to school early the next morning, he wanted to study in the library since he thought it'd be quiet. He was wrong, he had walked in and heard loud whisper shouting "you dumb fuck!" Azi peered through some books and saw Anthony with Hassan and Beatrice again "I'm telling Gabriel!" She whisper shouted "I don't care, I'm not going to hurt Azi anymore. What the living fuck did he do to us? Why are we so mean to a kid we don't even know? He's just like every other normal kid in the school! Why don't we just make everyone miserable then, huh!?" Hassan slammed Anthony into the wall again "you're so fucking stupid Anthony, who fucking cares who he is. It's fucking hilarious to see him so broken and sad, like a lost puppy without its momma"

Anthony growled and glared at Hassan harshly "like I've said many times before Hassan, you don't fucking scare me" Beatrice laughed "but daddy does, oh, don't he?" Anthony went silent "tell him, I don't care" the two were shocked "any pain he inflicts on me is not nearly as much as the pain we have inflicted upon Azi" Beatrice yanked her phone out and speed dialed Gabriel "he went soft" was all she said as she hung up "have fun getting the shit beat out of you tonight bitch" they both left Anthony in the library on the floor.

Anthony stayed there in the library all day, sitting there on the floor, lost in thought. Azi watched him through the book shelf all day, worried about him 'he won't bully me, he wants to protect me, he feels bad, and now he will be punished' he sighed softly.


That evening Azi sat at the church again, reading a book. Azi shifted on the metal bench 'this is quite uncomfortable' he sighed "Azi? You in here?" Anthony walked in and smiled "hey Azi" he rushed over to him and sat down "did you enjoy school today? I see you weren't picked on today" Azi hummed "I stayed in the library all day and avoided everyone"

Anthony swallowed hard "um..you didn't happen to um...maybe hear or see me..." Azi nodded "both times" Azi meant by the locker room and in the library, both times Anthony had been ganged up on by his so called friends "I understand why you picked on me. I can't blame you for being afraid of your father"

Azi set his book down and held Anthony's hands, whispering something under his breath "um...what are you doing?" Azi opened his beautiful blue eyes "I whispered a protection prayer" he smiled "now you won't get hurt so much, it'll help you stay safe. I will also be in my room praying for you tonight" he hugged Anthony again "no one deserves to be hurt" Anthony sniffled softly "I'm sorry Azi, I'm sorry, it was dumb of me to hurt you for stupid reasons" he trembled "I'm so selfish" he whispered "I didn't barely know you and yet I thought it was okay to hurt you constantly"

Azi frowned "hey" he pulled away "I forgave you, it's okay" Anthony noticed Azi's hands "what happened to them..." Azi just went 'pssshhh' then said "I'm just clumsy" Anthony looked into his eyes "who did it" he said sternly "m-my dad...he punished me for spilling food on my vest and dress shirt" Anthony growled "why didn't you tell him that it wasn't you?" Azi teared up "I did, I do, I try so hard to tell him but he ignores me, he made me swear on the holy bible and slapped me because he said I lied to him" Azi sniffled "but I didn't lie, I told him the kids pick on me but he just gets mad and mom is usually working or home cleaning so she doesn't come around us much"

Anthony nodded "so what'd he make you do? I mean...your wrists and forearms are wrapped in self adherent wrap" Azi shed tears, they ran down his soft cheeks "h-he...h-he um" Azi couldn't get it out, it hurt too much to say "h-he made me..um" he trembled and rubbed his tired eyes with his sore wrists "he f-forced me to um...stare into his eyes all night long" Azi could barely hold his book up "if I looked away or blinked he'd smack my hands with a ruler"

Azi stuttered softly "h-he would also increase the number of times hitting me by 1 every time I looked away or dozed off, he kept me awake all night, I couldn't keep my eyes anymore by the time the sun came up" Azi was shaking softly "he told me I needed to learn obedience and said that I'm nothing but a burden to them" Azi couldn't stop his crying "he called me an attention whore, he told me I'm acting out for attention"

Anthony balled his fists so tight some of his fingers cracked "that fucking bastard" he grabbed Azi's hands, being very gentle with them and their delicate owner "I return the favor of protection to you" he gently kissed Azi's hands, one kiss on each hand "now they'll heal faster"

Azi giggled softly through his tears and smiled again "thank you Tony" Anthony smiled "my name is Anthony, I just like Tony better" Azi smiled more "Anthony is a wonderful name, mine is weird. Aziraphale the angel, I prefer Azi" Anthony adored Azi's beautiful eyes and smile "Aziraphale the angel" he whispered "I like angel better" Azi couldn't help but giggle again "it's getting late Tony" he stood up "I need to go" he looked back at him "my guardian angel will protect you Anthony" Azi left the church and went home.

Anthony ended up leaving a few hours later, arriving home around 1am. Anthony set his bag down on the floor "Anthony?" Anthony looked into the living room, he saw his father standing there in the doorway "the principal called" Anthony took his sun glasses off and set them safely on the small table then faced his father "I'm ready for my punishment"

Azi couldn't sleep because he was so worried about Anthony, he knelt down by his bed and prayed "hello my guardian angel" he lost faith in God so he was praying to his protector. Azi grew up learning that every single person who was created had their own personal guardian angel, if you prayed to them and believed enough, then, they would respond "please protect my best friend, watch over him and make sure he's okay. Regardless if he believes in you guys or not, none of God's children deserve to be turned away in time of need" Azi whispered his prayers "thank you" he stood up and slipped into bed, he stared out his window and saw Anthony's house, it was dark "please be safe Tony" he whispered, his eyes shut slowly.

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