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Azi woke up early that morning and went downstairs to eat. He also managed to sneak some food to his room for when he got punished again with the 'fasting' policy. Azi was just finishing his bagel when he heard knocks on the door. He walked to the door and swung it open "hello I live across the road and I came to wel-" Anthony was met with Azi "no fucking way!" Anthony chuckled "you fucking live here, no way" Azi frowned a little "I don't understand what's so funny about that" Anthony was already coming up with ways to torment Azi more "nah, it is, you'll see" he stepped off the porch and rushed back across the road then disappeared inside.

Azi shut the door and turned around "oh hello father" Azi noticed that his dad looked to be in a very bad mood "you swore 2 times Azi! We don't say fuck in this home!" Azi opened his mouth to object but got a bar of soap shoved into his mouth "I want you to go sit in the corner and keep it in your mouth for 5 minutes then go wash out your mouth!" Azi nodded and trudged to the corner and sat facing it so his tears weren't seen. 5 minutes later he rushed to the bathroom and threw up all his food, kneeling there wiping his mouth 'why is the lord doing this to me...' he was slowly losing his faith in her words 'if you really loved me, one of your children, you wouldn't let me suffer like this...' his stomach was empty again but his appetite was gone.


Azi sat there during lunch time, he didn't feel hungry so he skipped again. Azi tried his best to avoid the trio of trouble but failed miserably "wow!" Hassan harshly grabbed Azi's wrist "nice book!" He stole it from Azi "hey that's mine!" It was his favorite book, given to him by his grandma before she had passed away "give it back! My mama gave me that!" Anthony started laughing "what are you 5?!" Azi huffed "mama is what I called my grandmother before she died!" He stomped on Hassan's foot and when he dropped the book Azi hugged it to his chest "you little bitch" Hassan shoved Azi to the ground and kicked him repeatedly until Anthony made him stop "dude, we can't get suspended again" Hassan nodded and let out a low growl "you got lucky bitch" the three ran off. Everyone just watched Azi stand up and dust himself off. Azi hugged the book tightly to his chest, one tear ran down his cheek as he looked down at his feet. Azi grabbed his bag and went back inside the school to be alone.


Once Azi got home he saw the principal, Hassan, and his parents sitting there "Azi this is the principal of the school, his name is Gabriel" Azi nodded "you two were in an altercation today?" Azi nodded "this kid says you hurt him" Azi's eyes widened "I-I didn't hur-!" His dad spoke up "Hassan we are sorry if Azi hurt you in anyway, he will accept any punishment you give him Gabriel" Gabriel smiled "well, since he's new to the school and it's rules, I'll give him a warning this time" his parents nodded, after Hassan and principal left Azi was severely punished.


"Azi! Stand still!" His father smacked a ruler on the back his hands "you will not hurt people with your fists!" Azi nodded "yes sir" he was trembling, scared, crying "stop crying!" His dad was harsh with him "go to your room, this weekend you're grounded!" Azi wiped his eyes "b-but grandpa is coming over!" His dad snapped at him "and you will be in your room until he leaves!" Azi nodded "okay..." he went to his room and cried into his pillow, he slowly stood up and grabbed his bible 'this book of lies...' he threw it in his closet and slipped into his pajamas. Azi sat on his window sill all night, rubbing his eyes softly, watching the stars.

Anthony got home that night and walked in "dad you in here?" Anthony sat down at the table and saw a plate of food "ooooo that lazy bitch finally made me something" Anthony started eating the food until he heard a "ahem" he turned to his dad and smiled "thanks for making me fo-" he noticed his dads arms crossed, Anthony swallowed hard "oh" he felt sick "this is y-yours" his dad walked over to him "yeah, it was!" His father yelled into his face

Anthony flinched, he stood up "I'm sorry sir, I'll make you something" he frantically rushed around looking in cupboards "too late" chills went down his spine when he felt his dad's presence behind him, he turned around and was met with a fist to his gut "get out of my sight!"

Anthony wheezed, gagging, almost throwing up the food. He managed to get himself to stand, halfly, and rush up to his room. Anthony collapses on his bed, wheezing softly "goddamn him" he sighed. Anthony peaked out his window and saw Azi across the road sitting on his window sill "damn, I bet he has the life"

Azi opened a bag of chips quietly and nibbled a few, his heart stopped when light to his bedroom flicked on and his dad walked in "I thought I sent you to bed without dinner!"

Anthony saw everything, Azi crying, Azi's dad slapping him across the face harder than Anthony's dad had ever slapped him. He didn't know why, but he felt bad. He watched Azi sob into his hands "what happened to his hands?" Anthony noticed how they were purple and bruised up 'whatever, it's not like I feel bad or anything' he kind of did.

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