Moments later the commander arrive to the office.

C. Howard: Have you called me my lord?

(Y/n): yes, I have. I have called you here to sent you on a mission it will probably long and I will resupply you from time to time. I want you to travel to a island called menagerie. And try to find the leader of the white fang and capture him. Alive.

C. Howard: Anything else my lord?

(Y/n): I wanted you to raid the white fang bases on the island. I'll give you the overwatch soldier withe the elite and some synths elite soldiers.

C. Howard: understood my lord. It will be done.

And then he leave the office. Leaving (y/n) alone in his office. He stand up and walked toward the door and locked. And for one moment (y/n) think of something. And for one moment to another he took off his helmet, letting a small air sound when he took it off. He walked towards the one of his windows of his office to see all vale from the distance. And he stared to think again about the future of his plans. He look to the hand with out the helmet and said.

(Y/n): I'm the next generation of humans... With us the combine empire will conquer the whole multiverse.

But his thought were interupted by a voice he didn't hear on long time...

???: Hello dear child...

(Y/n): *facing the voice* well look who it is...

Meanwhile with commander Howard...

C. Howard's POV

We have finally arrive to this place. It looks so peaceful... It's a shame it will be a war zone soon.

Lt. Combine elite: commander, the supplies have arrive do I command the stalker to start the building progress?

C. Howard: yes, and I want 4 teams of  overwatch soldiers to scout the area for the village of faunas or a white fang out post. Overwatch have told us  they are around 4 Outpost around the village. And probably more. I want to be prepared to attack them when the out post is finished.

Lt. Combine elite: yes, sir.

I stared to walk toward the construction site to supervise it.

Moments later the first fase of the construction was finished and we stared to move the consoles and other stuff to the camp so we can start to operate.

Once we have finished we just sit to wait for the report of the scout teams. Moments later one team of scouts reported.

Combine soldier: sir, this is team Delta. We have located the first base around the village. Waiting for orders.

C. Howard: come back to the base. But first give us the cordenates of the base so we can sent some scanners.

Combine soldier: understood, sir.

And with that the only thing we need to do is wait for the rest of the teams to report, and when they comeback we can get more precise information. And initiate fase 2 of the mission.

Combine soldier: sir, we are team alpha reporting. I think we have discovered the main base of operation.

C. Howard: elaborate.

Combine soldier: we have notice heavy defenses and heavy weaponry like atlas mechs and some helipads for the bullheads. Waiting for orders.

C. Howard: report back to the base.

Combine soldier: yes, sir.

Ok so everything is going as planned. Now that we have the cordenates of the main base, we can initiate the preparations of the attack to the main base. And with that keep an organizate attack to the bases around the village, and we can capture the leader of the white fang.

C. Soldier on console: sir! We have a distress signal. From team bravo. Orders?

C. Howard: sent some manhack to helped them, I want a live feed to know what's going on. and fast we cannot allow the enemy know that we are here.

C. Soldier on console: understood sir.

And with that the manhacks were deployed and with the big console was one of the cameras coming from a manhack. Later of a 3 to 4 minutes, we see a group of scout of the white fang attacking team bravo. With 2 casualties. While team bravo was fine, but was out numbered. And then the manhack stared to attack the white fang. The white fang got scared, and stared to retreat.

C. Howard: Do not let them escape!

Team bravo: yes, sir!

And with that order the combine soldiers engaged the white fang grunts, killing them successfully.

Combine soldier: orders sir?

C. Howard: comeback to the base and dispose of the body's. We do not what another scouts of white fang grunts to find the body's and the rest of the white fang being on high alert.

Team Bravo: understood sir!

And with that they dragged the body's far away from the scene and walk towards the base. When they arrive to the base, I got up from my sit and got to their position.

Team bravo: orders, sir?

C. Howard give the body's to the cremator.

Team bravo: yes, sir!

And then I called one of the most dangerous units on close quarters and on plantation battles. The cremator.

And he stared to burn the corpses of the dead white fang

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And he stared to burn the corpses of the dead white fang.

Overwatch radio: all ground units of vale, mistral, vacuo and atlas judgment waiver has been initiated.


C. Howard: radio trooper, what going on?!

C. Soldiers on console: we do not know sir the transmission is coming from the citadel in vale

The overlord?!

Overwatch radio: all ground units. Identify a possible treat to the combine administration of the kingdoms. The objective. Capture a soldier of the 7 hours war.

What the...

Overwatch radio: characteristics: H.E.C.U soldier from the black Mesa incident. With the same uniform. Obejective name is...

Adrian Shepard...

To be continued.

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