Chapter 2: Meow!

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Louie's POV

"Who said I needed it?" Magica's words seemed to echo around us, as we stood on the dormant volcano. I fidgeted a bit. I had thought that, since she didn't have her staff, this would be an easy fight. A quick battle, a few words tossed around, then we leave. Guess not. She raised her hand, and it almost immediately was surrounded by dark purple flames, swimming around in her palm. Everyone was stationary, and Scrooge stared at her as if he were daring her to do it. Suddenly, she swung her hand as if to throw a ball at us. We all scattered, bolting as far away as possible from Magica. The purple orb quickly separated into four orbs and grew demon-like horns. Or cat ears, but demon horns are more Magica's style. Each orb shot after one of us, other than Scrooge. Dewey fell first, mainly because he tripped over a stray rock and tumbled onto the ground. The orb took its chance and flew into his chest, creating a bright light. Even though I wanted to help Dewey; Huey, Webby, and I were still being chased. I began to slow down, panting but still running. The demon cat orb was catching up. 

"No no no!" I muttered as I continued to run. Eventually, the orb caught up to me, and for a moment all I saw was pure white. Then, I felt numb in all my limbs and passed out on the ground. The last thing I heard was Magica laughing like a banshee.

Time skippppppppppp~

Huey's POV

I groaned. Everything seemed unnaturally loud or vibrant. I tried getting up, but it seems my legs failed me. I looked down, expecting to see my yellow webbed feet, but instead saw furry ginger paws, with bright reddish stripes around the legs. I tried to scream, but my voice was hoarse with lack of use. Deciding that assessing a situation would be my best bet, so I dissected the last things I remembered. We were in a battle with Magica and she summoned orb-like spirits that, shown by when Dewey absorbed one, glowed brightly. I glanced around. I spotted a mottled brown kitten with a soft pink bow clipped to one ear, a fluffy white one with a green scarf that had a large hood, and a dark brown, almost blueish one wearing a bright blue bandanna and misty blue wrist wraps close to it. If I was a cat like these other three, that means they must be my siblings... Or so I'd assume, based off my hypothesis. I tried to determine which was which. The blue wearing one must be Dewey, and the mottled brown kit was Webby, leaving the fluffy white one as Louie. I clumsily aroused them, still new to this interesting form. They all were just as confused as I was.

(they are actually speaking english (human?); all will be explained)

"What are we?!" Louie yelped. 

Webby replied with "The result of a poorly performed spell" while Dewey exclaimed "CATS!" They looked at each other then laughed. Louie, however, looked panicky and frightened. 

"W-what about the rest of our family?" My little brother asked as he looked at the couch we were on and then the interior walls of the mansion. I thought for a second.

"I think we were the only ones affected. After all, there were only four orbs, right?" I said.

"Y-yeah..." He still seemed worried. "Y'know, I just can't process the fact that Magica was able to curse and she didn't kill us or kidnap us. I mean, kidnap would have made more sense, then she at least would've been able to ransom or something. Actually, nevermind, she will probably hold Scrooge to the fact that we won't change back unless she uses her magic, and, obviously, Scrooge won't refuse, because that's the key point of threats. Taking slash affecting something they love and holding them to it." I stared at him.

"You seem very well educated in this subject, Louie." I said, quivering slightly.

"Street smarts, not school smarts, my dear brother." He responded with a smirk.

"Guys, look, it's Granny!" Webby exclaimed, attempting to point towards the entry with her disoriented hand-eye coordination. Her grandmother, Mrs. Beakley, was walking through the entry, sweeping the doorway, then noticed we were there. 

"Ah. You're awake. Well, Mr. Mcduck already has his most accomplished sorcerers on the curse. Don't worry, you'll be alright. Your rooms are prepared; I can take you upstairs if you wish."

"Yeah! Oh, I can't wait to try out the claw thing that cats do!" Dewey said, then fell off the couch. Louie and Webby laughed, then attempted to edge their ways down the couch before falling off as well. I tried to gracefully leap off, but it seems my knowledge in cat anatomy was a bit too limited. I tumbled down and landed on top of Webby. We all trotted after Mrs.B, still a bit wobbly, but we were trying. We eventually made our way to our room where Webby decided to join us instead of struggling to her room. Upon entry, we noticed the room was redone. The beds and wardrobe were pushed to the walls, and in their wake was a pile of blankets and fabric scraps. Next to them was a few things we cherished. The JWG, (the pocket version, thank goodness) an iPod, a couple of toy swords small enough to be properly played with, and a mini grappling hook. 

"Wow..." I murmured, leaping messily on to the pile of blankets and sinking into their warmth.  "I'm not sure I want to be back to normal now!" Webby said, bolting to the grappling hook and testing it. 

"Same..." I muttered, too half-asleep to care.

(A longer chapter to satisfy your cravings! I know it's really bad, so please message or comment on any suggestions you have or fixes! I'm so tired, why don't I have a pile of blankets like Huey... Oof)

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