We arrive at the bus station and there's a few people, others are in the bus because they don't live at the same street like us. The bus arrive. Everyone go inside and America go to his friend Germany in the bus. He literally abandoned me!... Well it's alright I see Ukraine with Belarus, Kazakhstan and...oh! It's Russia. I go to them.

Russia's POV
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
I hate school. I know, you can see your friends, study together, hang out after school, but when you hate ABSOLUTELY everybody in school, what you do?
Well, uhhh there's no answers for me so nothing.
I'm in the bus with Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
They're talking about what they going to do in school and what they going to do at lunch, things that I hate talking about, it's not interesting. Then the bus stop at a station and people get inside. I quickly check who get inside, I see a little guy, well not small like a kitty but still small go quickly at Germany. Oh! It's America? I think this is his name. I see him in first grade, we were in the same lesson for physics. Well, I don't care about him and his other friend because they are f******* annoying...
And I hate annoying people. So I don't talk with them. Then, a guy with a red and white flag come to us and say hi to Ukraine and sit with us. He is the brother of America, Ukraine told me once.

The bus finally arrive at school and everybody get out. Me, Ukraine and America's brother stay together but Belarus and Kazakhstan go together laughing at school. Well, okay.
"I go too." Ukraine stop me and say : "Wait, you have time, stay in the court a little bit longer with us!".
"Nah, I prefer to go inside it's cold."
"Well okay, see you at lunch."
I walk away without answering. I'm tall so I can everyone and I see America with Germnay laughing so hard, everyone can hear them and they all look at them. Wtf...

I go to my locker, it's the same locker so I unlock it. I put my bag inside and take my books for the lesson. I lock it and before I turn in my direction I see America looking me right in the eyes very close to me with a big smile on his face.
What the... What is he trying to do?!

America' POV
✧༝┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
I go to the school with Germany and we laugh so hard at a video, everybody looking at us like we're crazy! But it was a funny video, it was a vine. We go to the school because it's so cold outside and I don't want to be sick. "I have to go see Poland, you can go ahead I join you after" he say me that and run. Wow, he love him so much.
I open my phone and go to my locker when I look up I see a tall guy next to my locker.

He's so...so...uh...i can't tell but he is handsome! I think I'm gay... Am I? I never think about that... Oh wait the guy!

He grab his books and lock his locker then I quickly run at him and stare at him with big eyes and a big smile on my face! To tell him 'I want you~'. It's the very first time I see someone like that in my f****** life! Someone so... Good looking!

He turn at me but not for me, because he was shook when he saw me. I smile with my teeth and say : "Hey you!~ What's your name?". He look at me confused, I continue to look at him because, gosh, he's perfect...!~. He finally open his mouth and say : "You're... America...right?" OMG HE KNOWS MY NAME?!?!?!? HOW?!?!! Calm down...I'm panicking in my head for nothing gosh!
"How do you know my name big boy?~". I try to flirt a little bit, yeah, but I can't control myself!
He rise a eyebrow, and turn off and go to the other way. Wait... He didn't tell me his name!!! I need to know! Come on!
Well, I will maybe see him in class...~

In math lesson...

Nobody's POV
✧༝┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
The class start and the teacher introduce himself and start directly the lesson.
Nobody really pay attention, but some students are.

America's POV
(I can't do the thing I do up so I put just...TRANSITION!!!)
Well, it's boring...!
I don't know why I come to the first lesson, why didn't I go to the bathroom and smoke a cigarette, just chilling there...! I'm stupid sometimes...
The teacher is explaining something but I can't hear what he's saying... Too lazy... I just lie down on my desk and try to sleep. I look at the teacher a few times but didn't care.

*sigh*...i want to see him again...

Canada's POV
I was with Ukraine and he has another lesson and he is in another class. I'm sad, he is not with me, but it's okay, America is in my class. Me and Ukraine went to school. We made a hug and then he went in his direction and smiled at me. It made my heart warm! I left for my locker to pick up my maths business then went on going.

I'm in class now, in math lesson. I try to listen what the teacher try to say but I don't understand... I don't sleep really well too, like America. He is sitting, no, lying down on his desk, he is in front of me. I smirk. He's funny lying down like a potato!
I don't pay attention what the teacher say... It's boring now... I turn my head to see who's in the class and I see Poland,...Vietnam,...China,... Philippines,... Mexico,... Spain,... Japan,... Russia... Uh? Russia? He's in the same class? I don't really like him.
One time, when I was in first grade, I said hi to him but didn't answered back. That hurt me... But anyway, it's not like i.....
"Uh... America?" I whisper. He didn't hear me, or is just so much concentrate to look at Russia. He look at him with... Love eye? He's gay?
I take a little piece of paper and write something for him.

America's POV
While I was dying on my desk, I hear Canada behind me smirk with a little noise. What? Why? I look up for see what is so 'funny'. I turn my head right and see...

My love!!!! Russia!!! He pay attention at the lesson but I can't tell if he was really paying attention or just faking. But I don't care, he is so hot!!! I look at him for...10 minutes? And then a little paper hit my head.
I look the paper and open it. It say : "Are you gay?". What the hell? Who write that? I'm only gay for Russia, not gay at all! I turn at Canada and whisper him : "Who write that?". "Me!" he whisper back. "Why? I'm not gay you idiot!". "Don't call me idiot! You look at Russia with angel eye!". We're fighting but not yelling, whispering. I notice Russia look at us confused so I stop it. Canada look at me with a smile but I did not answer him and looked at him badly.
Urghhh... Why is he think I'm gay?! Like I said, I'm only gay for Russia!

The bell ring it's lunch time...!

•I hope you like the chapter one!
Sorry If my English is really bad! It's not my first language!(○゚ε゚○)
But this help me to write in English and it's cool!(ˉ(∞)ˉ)
See you at the next chapter!
Word ↪ 2031

๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusame ship♡ Countryhumans) FINISHWhere stories live. Discover now