Chapter 34: The garden.

Start from the beginning

Ra: I got it, but there's no army, no troops, just him.
M: And that's enough.

 M: And that's enough

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On that planet.

On a beautiful, field, there was a big figure recollecting fruits.

That alien was Kronos.

He went back to his little house, when he heard something weird.

He was being attacked by an Ice ray.

Then Ralph on his armor, grabbed his left arm, while Tadashi was holding his right arm.

And to restrained him, even more, Merida shot two electric arrows at his back.

Then Jack entered from the roof, cutting his left arm, where it was the gauntlet.

When Hiccup, Rapunzel and Go-go appeared, Go-go went to see if he still had the stones, on his broken arm.

But when she, turned it around she saw that the stones weren't there anymore.

Go: Oh no.

H: Where are the stones???
Els: Answer the question!!!!!

Kr: After accomplishing the mission, the stones didn't had no more purpose.
Ra: You murdered, trillions!!!!!

Kr: You should all be grateful, my father would be proud.

R: What've you done to them??

Kr: They're gone, reduced to atoms, but the work is done, I am Inevitable.

Then after all the frustration Jack decapite his head, killing once and for all.

M: What did you??J: I went for his head

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M: What did you??
J: I went for his head.

All the heroes, were staring at that dead goddamn Titan, who have killed all their friends

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All the heroes, were staring at that dead goddamn Titan, who have killed all their friends.

T: So That's it we lost. Tadashi said very upset and sad.

H: Let's go back. Said Hiccup so, so depressed.

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To be continued

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To be continued.

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