Chapter 25: Attack on San-Fransokyo.

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Hiro POV.

I can't believe it's been one year and 8 months since the Guardians broke up, since that everything hasn't been the same, Honey Lemon took a house arrest, but with the supervision of Baymax.

But she said something on going to Switzerland for vacations, unfortunately Baymax turned off his transmitter, so maybe that could be a problem.

Tadashi is the only one who stayed at Berk City on the compound.

For me, right now I'm at my new job I got on a astrophysics lab. Creating some stuff.

??: Who's hungry???
Hi: Thanks aunt Cass, you're my savior.
Cas: What are you doing??
Hi: You just repairing some old stuff, creating some new etc.

Then suddenly, something strange just appeared on my lab, it looked like a portal.

Sa: Hiro Hamada, I need you to listen to me, we need your help.
Hi: Are you really Santa because that costume doesn't fit you well.
Sa: I'm not exaggerating that the future of the universe is on danger.

Hi: And who's "We".

Behind him it came Ralph and other guy who seemed like a rabbit.

Ra: Hey kiddo.
Hi: Ralph, it's good to see you, where's Jack??
Ra: You have to listen to this. Remember when you found that hologram that was Drago's plan.
Hi: Yeah.

Sa: The stones, with the power of dragons, the moon, elemental, solar, and magic.
Hi: Tell me the name of who's behind all this.

Ra: Kronos, he's mad Hiro he wipes out the half of every planet. It seems that Pitch and Drago have been working for him all this time.

The attack to Berk and Arendelle that was him he sent them. Now he has the Elemental stone. And if he puts his hands on all of them...

Hi: He could destroy the half of life. But, it Kronos needs the six of them, why don't you just hide it or even better destroy it.

Bu: I'm afraid we can't, little man.
Sa: Destroy it now is impossible, and maybe it's our best chance against him.
Hi: Yeah, But it also could be his best chance against us.

Ra: Guys we don't have time for this, but right now we have that stone, we know where it is, and Baymax is out there with the dragon stone, so we have to find him right now.

Hi: Yeah, that's gonna be a problem.
Ra: Why??
Hi: Two weeks ago he went to supervise Honey Lemon who went on vacations to Switzerland, but that was his last transmission, and he turned off his transmitter, he's offline.

Sa: Who could find Baymax?

Then I was thinking on the last person I'd think on this time.

Hi: Damn it, probably Hiccup Haddock.
Bu: Great.
Hi: Maybe.

Ra: Then call him.
Hi: Ralph it's not that easy. Gosh we really haven't talked in a while. The Guardians broke up, we're toasted.
Ra: Broke up, like a band.

Hi: Hicc, and I had an agresive argument a year ago, we haven't talked since.

Ra: Hiro, listen to me, Jack is gone, and it doesn't matter, who you talk now.

Then I took the phone Hiccup gave me, and I was about to call him, but then I felt an earthquake.

Cas: Did anyone else felt that.
Ra: It came from the center of the city.

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