Chapter eleven

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" I'm sorry," Pip began to Eule and Paarthurnax, shying away from the older males.

" Sorry?" Paarthurnax questions. His arms were on his sides. " I-I failed in bringing you both Tudi and Tisa." Pip explained as his ears found their way to the back of his head.

" Tisa? Is that the female Ninetale's name?" Paarthurnax wonders with a claw on his chin in thought.

Pip nodded. " I couldn't capture either of them."

" But you did manage to at least find them. Is Tisa a threat as well?" Paarthurnax wonders.

Pip remembered the flames. The flames that Tisa had spewed out. No mercy in her eyes. Dead eyes. Cold dead eyes.

She didn't look like she was going to be a non-villain. She was villain enough. She had tried to burn him with her flames.

He nodded his head. " Unfortunately, yes sir. Though I might have accidentally provoked them." He said as he shied away.

" Provoked them? What exactly happened?" Paarthurnax wonders. So pip decided to explain what he did.

" Well, I overheard their conversation. I thought that capturing them there would help, but..." Pip's Voice faltered as his side stung in pain.

He flinched and gritted his teeth. It felt really hard to breath now. He needed to get help for his wound, but he needed to tell them of his quest first.

" But what?" Eule asked him with a glare-looking glance.

"But I failed." He said, his ears going back as far as they could go.

Eule and Paarthurnax exchanged glances. " It's alright." Paarthurnax responded. " At least you tried. Don't let yourself get down in the dumps like that."

Pip started to totter on his paws. " There's another thing." He began as he clutched his side. He shouldn't have gone on this long without treatment.

Treatment? Do I really need to live? I mean that crazy Pokémon might be right. Pip wondered as he opened his mouth to speak. He did have to admit that he looked strange when opening his mouth to speak.

" I-I kind of gotten slashed by Tudi's claws." He said sheepishly.

The two overrated starters gasped. " Why didn't you tell us this beforehand?! Let us see it." Paarthurnax growled at Pip.

Pip nodded as he sighed. He would definitely look uglier once he showed the stupid scar; the scar that would definitely make him more of a laughing stock.

He grabbed the purple hoodie. Man did the other Pokémon taunt him about the color. He always set them as straight as he could about it later on.

He started to unpeeled the purple, now darker hoodie.

He sighed deeply. Brace yourselves, and yourself. He thought, trying to encourage himself to take off the hoodie.

His paw got sticky with his own blood as his flipper peeled back the hoodie. The nasty reddish claw mark ran from the bottom of his shoulder to the middle of his stomach.

It was a wonder how he was even alive at this point.

What if I'm as strong as that Pokémon said I wasn't? I must be.

He shook it off.

Must be a coincidence, he convinced himself as he folded up the hoodie.

He let the two fully evolved starters get a good look at his wound, being a little shy that he was letting them look at him like this.

" You need to go to the medical room, stat." Paarthurnax seriously told him.

" Yeah. That wound looks nasty." Eule added, moving his talon like he wasn't sure what to say next.

Pip nodded as he began to leave the room.

" Wait! We want to talk to you." Paarthurnax began. " Yeah, but I guess we better hurry it up, or else..." Eule began before Paarthurnax's glare shut him up.

" I just want to let you know that I've been thinking lately about pairing you up with one or two other partners." Paarthurnax informed him.

" What?!" Pip shouted. He was shocked.

Am I really that weak? Pip wondered, as his spirit was shattered.

" You want to pair me up! With who?!" He practically shrieked. His voice was so loud that it made the two Pokémon, who didn't have ears, plug their ears.

" Calm down. It wasn't what you just did that convinced us. It's doing this we hope to get you new friends." Eule informed him.

" New Friends? But I'm better off alone." He informs them.

" Well, we just want to try it out to see if it will work out, so we can keep Avalon here. She's a good Pokémon, we know, but she's been hating on you for your appearance, and we just think this team idea will help convince her you are good enough to be a part of this squad. Just give it a chance. You don't have a choice right now. We will be sending the applications back in a few months, and we thought you could create a water team with it. And we know two Pokémon who might work well with you." Paarthurnax informs him.

" So I will be paired with a few newbies?" He asked them. " Look, you've been with us for like...a year or two. We know you mean well being alone, but that won't be the best idea. You keep getting hurt." Paarthurnax growled.

" Yeah, and we will need you. You're one of the most powerful in this squad whether you think you are or not." Eule informed him.

Pip sighed. And I'm guessing they don't want to lose one of the only good members of this squad.

He looked them in the eyes. " I guess I could give it a try. I won't like it, but I guess I can when the time is right, though I might forget this conversation happened." Pip informed them.

" Great! Now let's get you to the medical room. I don't like the looks of that wound on your stomach." Paarthurnax began as he grabbed Pip by his shoulders, helping him through the hallway and to the wing where the medical room was.

Then he entered the room, where he was awaited by a nice Pokémon. Probably one of the only nice Pokémon in the Squad was in the medical room. Besides Eule, the medical staff was very nice to him.

But how long can that niceness last when I'm just a burden to everyone? A thorn in their side?

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