Chapter four

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The very next day was a day that Pip considered special. He realized: Yeah Pokémon are going to insult him and say bad things about him, but he knows they're the bad ones; he is not an evil clown.

Pip was approached by Paarthurnax. " How are you holding up?" The Charizard questioned him. They've been doing that since figuring out about the wounds. I've been hiding them well.

I've gotten a lot from Avalon since I've been here. It's normal. " I'm holding up as fine as I can be." He responded with a smile. On the inside he was frowning. Paarthurnax grinned, " That's great!" He then walked away.

They won't get off my back. That was the second time from him today. At least ten from Eule, and about four from a black Sobble. Why can't they just leave me alone?!

Avalon began to approach him again. I have to avoid her at all costs! With that, he stuffed himself in a vent. She can't find me here. She's too fat to fit in here!

Pip wiggled his way to where no one could see him inside the vent. He sighed. At least I'll be safe in here.

He wiggles his way into the tiny vent some more, not able to breath. He could barely even fit in here. A huff noise sounded from outside the vent. " This is the second time. I want to rip you apart, Pip!" She snarled, stomping away. He was safe. For now.

He sighed, trying to wiggle out. Stuck. Of course. He started to breath heavily. No one will rescue me! He panicked. He struggled in the vent, tears pouring down his face.

He tried backward once more. Nothing. He sighed. Should I try forward? It's probably going to end up like the backwards option. But, he tried. He was actually moving in the vent.

Did someone put butter here? Or maybe my body just slips forward more easily. Still, he moves forward, moving upward into the ventilation system.

Within minutes he was high above a room. Inside it there was stuff. He moved past the room, and most others. When he got to a specific room, the vent couldn't hold his weight anymore. A creaking noise was heard. The vent crashed below him, and he fell.

He yelped, as he was winded by the fall. The breath was stolen from his body as he tried to breath again. After a few panic-stricken moments he was able to contain himself, taking calming breaths as he stared into the room he was in.

There was lots of clothing in here. Pip scrambled to his feet, or what could be identified as both a tail and his feet. Whoa! What room is this? Why are there a bunch of clothes in here? He wondered as he sifted through the room.

There were tons of boxes labeled: Useless material. Useless? There's tons of clothes in here. Why are they marked as useless? Pip picked up a cape. He snorted as he put it on.

He waved it around, it gently flowing with the wind that Pip had created with the force of making it going in the air. He took off the cape, and took out a sweater.

" Nope. Not putting that on." He commented, as he threw it back into the pile. He searched the pile once again. " Why would they just box these up? They don't seem cursed or anything. Why just have this room?" Pip wondered.

" Why?!" A loud voice exclaimed. " Huh? Who said that?" Pip questioned. A Teddiursa clumsily walked out. Pip's eyes widened. This Teddiursa was really colorful. His fur was not brown.

His fur was white-and-pink. Or was it purple? He also had some weird had, and seemed to have the voice of a air horn. It was that loud.

" Yeah. I asked why, and when did you get here you little stalker?" Pip questions him with a slight growl. The Teddiursa patted him on the back. He also seemed to be giggling.

" Ah, Ah, Ah. Before you accuse me of being a stalker we need to introduce ourselves, now. Don't we?" The weirdly colored Teddiursa quires.

This little guy is super loud. Does he have like a inside voice? " My name is Cygnus, what is yours, Popplio?" The weird Teddiura introduces.

" My name is Pip." Pip remarks. " What are you even doing here?" Pip wonders. " Being helpy to others." Cygnus weirdly says.

" What exactly does that mean?" Pip asked him. The Teddiursa walked closer to him. Or...seemed to be moving without moving his legs. " It means I'm helping you, bro. I can see it now. You're a Popplio, mate."

Pip's jaw dropped. " What?! What the heck!" Cygnus giggled at Pip's awe. " I know. I'm part Psychic type. Would you also believe I'm part Steel? That's my pride. I am so very much stronger than the other Teddiursa. I am here because I'm an honorary member. Don't underestimate me. I can't evolve, but I'm more powerful than any Ursuring can ever be." He explained.

Pip didn't question him. He didn't want to. It was strange. It was like paranormal activity within a Teddiursa. Cygnus tipped his hat at Pip:" Now that you know my little secret why don't we find you something that matches? Hmm? Pokémon that find this room don't find it by accident, no."

" This room is hidden from the real world. Any Pokémon who finds it is destined for greatness. You, sir, despite being disowned by most of the are destined for greater things."

The Teddiursa sifted through the clothing. " Aha! This is perfect for you! It has magical powers as well, my friend! Take it!" Cygnus commented, throwing a hoodie at Pip.

He put it on. It felt magical. The special Teddiursa did say it was. " It's perfect!" Cygnus exclaimed. " What sort of magic does this have?" Pip questions the Teddiursa, but by then the Teddiursa was gone. It was like he had vanished.

Authors note: Yes, Cygnus is based off the Fnaf characters Marionette, and Helpy. I couldn't help myself, sorry.

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