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*5years later*


             Todays the day. The day that will forever change my life. I'm proposing.

 To Bailey. 

Crazy right? Well let me catch you up. After high school, Betty and I broke up. I mean she is going to American university to study journalism. After our break u, I wrote a mystery novel about a little boy who ran away from home to a small town, and that ended up leading to a boy's death (sound familiar). Anyways, an agency found my novel and loved it. Then, my book was put up and people were able to buy it,  and now, I'm working on my third novel. Right now I'm attending a community college right here in Riverdale because who ever said you need to go to a big college to end up with a well-paying job? The others are scattered around. Cheryl and Tony ended up in Sydney. Kevin is attending Yale, London is at  UVA, and Veronica is at Trinity. I stepped down as leader of the Serpents and gave that position to Fangs and Sweet Pea and now they are coleaders. Archie, Bailey, Zack, and I are studying here in riverdale. Anyway, we may be a little young to be getting married but we don't need to get married right now. Maybe in a couple years? 

             It's currently summer and we are all on break. Everyone is coming back to spend the week here and I'm planning on doing it when everyone is here. Maybe we can host a dinner? Yah I'll ask her. "Jug?" Bailey says sleepily repositioning so her head is on my chest instead of my shoulder now "Morning babe" I said "Why are you up so early" she groaned. Surely she was right when I checked the time it was 7:50 in the morning "Just thinking" I said as I turned to face her "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked "Coffee" I let out a laugh as I looked at her sleepy face. For a second I saw Betty's face but I shook that thought out of my head. You don't love Betty. You love Bailey. "....-head........ earth to jughead" Bailey said as I snapped out of my thoughts "Yah sorry just thinking" "About what" she asked "that we should eat" she laughed at my response. Although the only thing I could think of was that Betty's laugh was so much prettier. "You and your food. Come on" she said as she jumped out of bed and into the bathroom. I layed still in bed pondering in my thoughts. 15 minutes pass and Bailey walks out with wet hair and in jeans and a tee shirt. "Hurry up I'm hungry" she complained and sat on the bed using her phone. "I got up and showered quickly. I changed into jeans, my S shirt, and a denim jacket. I guess my style hasn't changed that much. I walk out and Bailey noticed my outfit "You need to stop wearing the same outfit. We aren't teenagers anymore. Come on we're going to the mall later to buy you some clothes. You aren't going to visit my parents in a couple weeks wearing that outfit" she says as she looks back at her phone. Betty would've liked my outfit. God I need to stop thinking abut her. This happens everyday. "Come on lets go to Pop's for breakfast" she says as she interlocks our fingers and heads to the front door. We left our apartment and started the walk to Pop's. It was a comfortable silence but I just couldn't stop thinking about Betty. This usually happens on a daily basis. I can't figure out why though. We reach Pop's and walk into our usual booth. I look at the old booth my friends and I used to sit at. The booth where I wrote about my life. But Bailey hates that booth. She says it's to close to the door so when it's cold we can feel the cold air or when it's hot you feel hot. So we sit away from the door and in chairs. But I guess anything for her. We order breakfast. She insists I get the healthiest option on the menu with water. She says she's looking out for my health. So I'm never aloud to get milkshakes or burgers or fries etc. I think you get the point. Once she asked them to make us this weird green drink and let me tell you it was absolutely disgusting. "So what do you think Jug" Oh god she was talking to me. I always end up zoning out during our conversations so I've got down how to know how to answer. If she sighs them asks that means that she was usually out of breath from complaining so much so I say that shouldn't have happened. If she asks curiously then I say yah. Usually it works but every once in a while it doesn't. "That shouldn't have happened" I reply "I know! I mean can you believe them....." there she goes rambling again. God it gets so annoying sometimes. But when Betty did it, god, it was adorable. The way she would look of into space and sometimes she would get passionate and there would be a sparkle in her eyes and UGH. Snap out of it Jughead. You love Bet- Baily not Betty. "Here's you bill" the waiter says. I place the cash down and we start the trek home. "What are we doing today?" I ask "God Jug your an idiot sometimes we're going to mall today, remember?" she says. Betty would never call me an idiot. "Oh yah sorry" I mumble as we go into the elevator. I unlock the door to our apartment and get the car keys. Bailey says I'm only allowed to use my bike once a month. But I love her, right? "I'll be in the car" Bailey yells as she walks out. Maybe I should tell someone that I can't stop thinking about Betty. Archie. I'll tell Archie. Before I know it I arrive at the car and see Bailey waiting outside for me. "Took you long enough" she said as I unlocked the car and got in. I put in the keys and started the drive to the mall.

Y'all. 1053 words. I've never done that before. I'm on a writing GRIND right now. Also. WHAT. THE. FRICK. I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. This book is ranked 8 in the tag #lilireinhart. Out of 1.6k. When I saw this I legit started crying. You guys are to much. This epilogue was also like the prologue for the sequel. That's right sequel. And I'm going to be writing a Flash and Glee crossover. The first chapter of that should be out tonight or tomorrow same for the sequel. 

Lots of Love


Back at the Tipton Hotel Riverdale//Suite Life CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang