Chapter 1

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Jughead's POV

"I think we need a break from all of this. Maybe we should take a vacation or something." my girlfriend, Betty, says. I think we can all agree on that. "Sure" Archie says. "Why not?" Veronica answers. "Fine by me" Kevin says. "Jug?" Betty asks me "Sure" I say unaware of what is ahead of me. "So where should we go" Veronica asked. "Well I saw this cool hotel that I think would be nice and they have a candy bar there!" Betty said excitedly while holding my hand. "Sounds like fun" Kevin says. But, my mind wanders to Zack and all my other old friends and ex girlfriend. The thought of what happens makes tears threaten to spill. Everyone notices and look at me confused. "what?" I say because they don't know about Zack and everything that happened. "You looked like you were about to cry" Kevin says with his arm on the booth. "Oh I was just thinking about how I miss Jellybean" I say trying to keep my cover. You see, Jellybean is my adoptive sister but she left along with my adoptive mother to Toledo. "so when do we leave?" Archie asks. "Tomorrow so lets leave and pack our bags!" Betty says excited. As I walk home I think about all the places we could go except for one, the Tipton hotel.

*Meanwhile at the Tipton*

Bailey's POV

I miss Cody. I love him so much and I just can't get over what happened. Since that fateful day years ago I haven't talked to Zack. I can't bear to see him when he looks like Cody so much. Every single time London asks why Cody left or why I don't talk to Zack anymore I shut her down. Allison and Woody are traveling the world right now. At least they ended up with up a good relationship.

London POV

I'm so confused. Why did Cody leave? Why aren't Bailey and Zack talking anymore? Ever since Cody left we all drifted apart we all fell apart. It's as if we need each other to work. Like a machine. I miss all of us together and us hanging out.

Zack POV

I feel like Cody will never forgive me. I want to know where he is. I want his forgiveness. I want us to all be together again. I want us to have adventures again. I wonder he is now and what his new life is.


Hello there reader! There is the first chapter! Second is coming out today!

Lots of love


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