Chapter 6

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After what happened two weeks ago everything calmed down. We all got to know each other and became great friends. Tomorrow we leave the Tipton hotel and I don't think anyone wants to leave. "Why don't you guys come to Riverdale with us?" Juggie says "Yah I mean it would be so fun"  I say. "Sure" Zack say and Bailey and London nod their heads in approval.



I'm so excited to see Riverdale. It's where Cody went so he must love it there right? Sorry I mean Jughead. This is all so crazy! Even if everything happened two weeks ago it still seems like yesterday. Now added onto all of my friends I have new ones.



As we pulled into Riverdale we went straight to Pop's to get some milkshakes. We were walking in and I saw Toni, Sweet Pea, and Cheryl at a table even though they hate the north side they do like their food. "Hey guys" I say as all my friends and brother follow me to their table "Yo Jug, where's your jacket?" Sweet pea asked me "I left it in the trailer before we left" I tell them. "Who are the those kids?" Toni asks as Cheryl's arm is around her "Long story but these are my old friends London is the brunette, Bailey is the blonde, and Zack is the dude who also happens to be my twin brother" I say but I start to trail off as I start saying who Zack is. "Um question why are you all wearing jackets that say south side....... serpents?"London asks "Well we are part of the south side serpents with our leader here" Sweet Pea says as he pays my back and I start smiling. London, Bailey, and Zack give me a confused look as I say "Have you guys seen my dad?" "He's at the trailers" Toni says "Thanks see yah guys at the Whyte Worm later" "Later" they say

I'm so confused. I know for sure Cod-Jughead's  Dad is touring so I'm guessing it was his adoptive dad that he was talking about a couple of weeks ago. And why do these people look like they are apart of a gang or something. Plus that one girl with red hair why her jacket red instead of black like the other two? Weird.

We were walking out of Pop's and I see all the bikes and an extra one and as I get closer I realize it's mine "CRAP! Guys I left my bike here before we left you guys go to the trailer I'll meet you there" I said.

When Jughead said he left his bike here I thought he meant a normal bike that looks like something he would have used to have not a freaking motorcycle. My twin brother that used to be the nerdiest you can get now owns a motorcycle, has black hair, completely different style, and is a leader some weird group. What has happened over these past years. Like did someone get murdered or something?

*time skip to trailer*
I arrived before the rest so I went inside. As I waited for the others to come my dad came. "Hey Jug how was the trip?" My dad asks as he throws some papers on the table "Um well something happened and I saw some people from before you adopted me" now that last part caught his attention "What do you mean" "Well I never told you this but I have a-" but before I could finish someone knocked on the door.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My life had been packed between making time for studying and still talking with friends. I hope you enjoyed this part and I have so much more in store for this book!
Lots of love

Back at the Tipton Hotel Riverdale//Suite Life CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang