"Long time indeed", he said and chuckled before giving me a hug, "I never thought I would see you again. How have you been?".

I smiled and replied, "I've been doing well, haha. I'm about to go to school actually".

As soon as he checked out my uniform and recognized which school I'm from, his eyes widened and asked, "W-Wait, you study in U.A?!".

I nodded and we both shared a high five again when he got excited.

"WOW! That's amazing!", Hachiro said and grinned, "Once you graduate there, you'll be a fine pro hero in the near future!".

"Haha, thank you so much, Hachiro"

Our conversation continued and we ended up catching up to what was happening.

But as we talked, I could've sworn that someone was staring at me and I can feel a slight intimidating vibe.

Just when Hachiro was about to say something, I felt a gush of wind and in an instant, Midoriya was already by my side but he was hugging me by the side and he looked...different.

His expression was filled with mixed emotions since his lips are pouting and his eyebrows are knitting up a bit.

Not to mention, the way he's hugging me was quite tight and needy.

"(Y/N)-chan, do you think we should get going?", Midoriya said and the way he said it is like he's on a hurry to exit this train station but also mixed with seriousness, "We don't have to be late now, would we?".

I blinked a few times from his sudden change of behavior and shook my head before replying, "Yeah, of course, haha. Well, see you whenever!".

Hachiro smiled but it was awkward since Midoriya was looking at him with a frown before looking to the other way.

I don't know if what I saw was real or not but I shook my head and moved forward.


We're almost to U.A. and the funny thing is that Midoriya is still hugging me tight by the side while walking.

This intrigued me since there are times where he tends to be shy when we share our moments together like hugging and kissing but this...

It's like I'm seeing a different side of Midoriya.

I know I've known for a very long time but I never seen him act this way before.

I looked at him and all of a sudden he spoke after being so silent ever since we exited the train station.

"Umm, (Y/N)-chan?", he asked and looked at me.

"What is it, Izuku?", I replied and smiled, "Is something the-"

"I-I'm sorry to ask but who was that guy you were with a while ago?"

My eyes widened from his question but since I forgot to tell him who he was along the way, I decided to answer him.

"That's my childhood friend when I was still living in Shibuya", I explained and smiled at him, "He moved here to Musutafu all by himself and is currently living in a dorm with his cousin".

"I see...", he said and gulped, "B-But...um...".

His words trailed off and suddenly we stopped and coincidentally, we were under the tree with a dim and cool shade.

"To be honest, I felt...upset when I saw him hugging you and how much he talked to you very close", Midoriya said and looked down, "Like at that moment, I really don't want him to steal you away from me".


Now I have seen the light.

'So, that's why Izuku was acting that way earlier', I thought and couldn't utter a word but slowly I smiled.

"Oh, Izuku-EEP!"

I was interrupted by Midoriya hugging me but only this time, he was finally in front and wrapping his arms around my body properly.

"You're mine, right?", Midoriya asked innocently and cupped my face.

I smiled to reassure him and nodded to answer his question.

"Of course, Izuku", I said and giggled, "I'll always be yours and no way one will steal me away from you, okay?".

I can see him smiling slowly from my words and without hesitation, he leaned to kiss my lips softly.

I thought it would be a soft one but no, I was wrong.

The way he kissed me was more tender but I loved every bit of it especially when he kissed me over and over again.

"I love you, my sweet cupcake", he said and hugged me tighter before kissing the top of my nose playfully.

"Hehe, I love you too...my cute jealous boyfriend", I said and laughed.

His cheeks glow red from the nickname I gave him and nuzzled against my hair so he could hide his face with embarrassment.

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