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Important a/n: I actually changed the summary a little, so I would advise you check it out if you thought this story would turn out like something else.

Maya POV

I hate summer.

I know, you'd think I was a crazy person for saying this, but I have a good reason. Have you ever had a moment where you genuinely thought you were dying?

Well, I have. And I feel it every single day of my life. Now, you may still be wondering why I hate summer, well, here's the story.

I was 12, I was happy. Summers, before I was 12, were the best things ever. Even though I didn't get to learn, even though I left a lot of my friends over the summer, I still had fun. Until the summer that I got sick.

The siren blared as it reached the hospital. They rushed me into the hospital, wheeling the bed into the ER. I heard people talking, the one who had gotten me on the bed was talking to an ER nurse.

"Her heart rate is 45, blood pressure 110 over 70." He said as he put his hand on my arm to keep it from falling off the bed.

I've watched enough medical videos to know that a 110 over 70 blood pressure and a heart rate of 45 was not good. At all.

I was dying. And I knew I was.

The first time I almost died isn't even the worse part. It was finding out that I was dying, I'd rather just die now than wait years.

This is my story.


"Come on, you have to keep it up." He yelled as I continued to huff from being tired.

"But Mark," I huffed. "I don't think I can take it!"

"I'm not babying you just because you're like this. I'm your older brother and it's my job to make sure you're still fit." He ran his hand through his hair, letting the sweat drip off his forehead.

"You're mean." I shook my head, as I stopped, letting my chest heave as I tried to control my breathing. "Why'd you make me do this. I literally went to the doctor yesterday and got new medications, I can't take this."

"Sorry, sis." He ruffled my hair, leaving me in the gymnasium as I was left to catch my breath and grab my things.

Let's start this over.

Hi, my name is Maya Walter. I'm a 16-year-old girl and living in Vancouver. I have one older brother, Mark Walter. He's 19 and in his first year of university. He's tall, a feature I wish I possessed, and he's pretty handsome. At least, that's what his university mates say. Unlike Mark, I don't have many friends. Ever since I moved from middle school to high school, I kept away from people and was pretty quiet. It's not that I don't like people. It's just that I was getting less and less sociable. Plus, I never wanted to make a close relationship with someone who may not see me last.

I go to a regular high school with regular people living regular lives. I'm the exception. Why? Because I'm sick. I'm really sick. I suffer from tuberculosis. Yeah, not very normal, is it? But it's what I'm stuck with, and I can't do anything about it. I'm already at stage 2, they say I could reach stage 3 at any moment now. Sure, there were antibiotics and all, the doctors said that it should only take 6-9 months to cure me. Yet, it never worked. I really gave up on trying to heal myself unless I knew there was a cure out there that would work. So far, nothing. So right now, I'm just trying to push through, as hard as I can.

My brother is really close to me. Especially ever since we found out I was a TB patient. It was really hard on him. He really cared for me, and I appreciated it, but sometimes, I thought he took it a little far. Just like before, he is always pushing me to exercise and keep my body in its best shape. I appreciate it and all, but I really wish there was a day we could just chill.

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