"Come on, dude. You've been drinking a lot. I think you need to call your therapist." Luke said softly.

This is how it had been almost every night. We played, drank, went back to the hotel. I drank more than the others most nights. I always came in hours after them, stumbling in completely wasted. I would talk to girls and dance with them, all these beautiful foreign women, but for some reason I never brought them back to my room. I just didn't care. Until I saw her.

She sat down beside me at the bar, crossing her legs. Her dress slid up her legs, showing more than necessary. She had long, jet black hair and bright green eyes.

"You're staring." She smirked.

"Sorry." I mumbled, snapping out of my trance. "Can I get you a drink?"

She nodded, telling the bartender what she wanted. We sat there, talking and drinking, my back turned to the other guys, until she finally stopped me.

"You don't have to do this." She said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Work so hard. Where are you staying?" She asked, cutting right to the chase.

 I stared at her, a little surprised by her bluntness. Even for me, that was a little forward. I usually at least spent more than ten minutes with someone before taking them to my room, but I was drunk and she was hot.

Before I knew it, we were back at the hotel and I was on top of her. We were just kissing when she shoved me over, climbing on top of me and pulling her dress over her head. She immediately started tugging at my shirt. She was extremely aggressive and too easy and I didn't like it.

"Can you just--" I started, but she cut me off, shoving her tongue down my throat.

I grabbed her by her arms, pushing her back gently.

"What?" She snapped.

I just looked at her. She had a bad attitude and was so forceful, I felt like she was trying to get what she wanted as fast as possible so she could leave. I didn't like it, and I didn't like the way it made me feel. I sound like such a girl, but I felt used. I guess I deserve it after all the women I've used myself. Violet never made me feel used. I had to work for her. This was too easy.

And there it was. Violet. The weight of every emotion I was bearing came crashing down as this stranger on top of me was trying to remove my jeans and I grabbed her wrists, stopping her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She spat.

"Get out." I deadpanned.

"Excuse me?" The look on her face was pure shock. She had never been rejected.

"You heard me. Get. The fvck. Out. NOW." I said angrily.

She climbed off of me in a huff, pulling her dress back on and stomping out the door, slamming it behind her.

I laid on the bed for about 10 minutes before I heard the door open and close softly, three voices speaking quietly. They stopped talking and there was no noise for a moment before someone spoke up.

"Ash?" Michael called.

"Yeah." I responded, completely monotone.

The door creaked open and his head peered in. "Where's that chick?"

"I kicked her out."

"Oh yeah?" He asked, pushing the door open further, Calum and Luke standing behind him in the doorway.

"She got on my nerves." I said flatly.

"How? It's not like you're supposed to be doing much talking." Calum snickered.

The Tour - A.I.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن