Chapter 2: Venice, Italy

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Few days later, our science class began to board the plane and I ended up sitting between MJ and her friend Betty. We were putting up our suitcases when I look over and see Flash drinking champagne. "Yo, Parker!" He calls out and Pete turns to look at him. "This is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over the poor neighborhoods - instead of driving through them." Flash said as he smiles and starts to drink from his glass again.

I glare at him then noticed the flight attendant walking g past him. "Ma'am?" I called out and she turns to me. "He blipped, so technically he's 16, not 21." I said as I point at Flash, who's eyes widen at this. "I'll take that." She said as she takes the glass out of his hand, leaving Flash dumbfounded. "She's lying. I don't even know this girl." He exclaims as he chases after the woman. "Way to go!" MJ said to me and we high-fived each other before we take our seats.

*3rd Person POV*

"Did you know Brad was coming?" Peter asked Ned as he gestures towards a young boy that was very good looking. "It's... so weird. Like, one day, he's that little kid who cried and got nosebleeds all the time, and suddenly, we blip back and he's totally ripped and super nice....and all these girls are after him!" Ned said as they watch Brad, (y/n) and MJ putting their suitcases next to each other. But Brad was eyeing (y/n), alittle too much in Peter's opinion.

"Not all the girls are after him." Pete scoffs. "No man. They're all after him." Ned said as MJ and (y/n) laugh at Brad's joke. "Anyway, on a more important thing... It's a 9-hour flight. We can play Beast Slayers the whole time." He said as he starts to pull up his laptop.

Peter kept, anxiously, looking back towards (y/n) as she sits and talks to MJ and Betty. Finally, he can't take it. "I need your help to sit next to (y/n)." Pete said as he turns back to his friend. "Seriously?" Ned asked, annoyed. "Yes, seriously!" Pete exclaims to him in a harsh whisper. "What about your plan? American bachelors in Europe?" Ned asked him. "That's your plan. That's a solo plan. Come on, this is my plan. Please." Pete begs and Ned gives a sigh full of groan then gets up and walks over to the three girls.

*(y/n)'s POV*

"Hey, guys, uh..." Ned said as he walks up to us. "Hey, Ned." I greeted and he nods at me. "There's an old lady sitting in front of us, wearing a crazy amount of perfume, and... it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies. You know, Betty, if you could just switch seats with him, that would be..." Ned started to explain and I give him a confused look. "He's allergic to perfume?" I asked him. I mean, I've worn perfume around him before and he's never complained before. "Yeah, yeah, 'cause, umm... it makes his eyes water... and he can only see---" Ned started to explain when Mr Harrington pops up from his seat behind us.

"Excuse me, Peter has a perfume allergy?" He asked Ned, who looks beyond terrified. "Oh, uhh..." Ned stammers before Mr Harrington stands up. "Well I'll tell you from experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel hives breaking out already." He said then he points to me. "(Y/n), stand up." He ordered and I stand up the Harringron turns to Ned. "Ned, take (y/n)'s spot. (Y/n), you take my spot." Harrington said as he gets out of his seat and I walk out on the isle while Ned takes my old seat between Betty and MJ.

"Peter, come with me. Let's get you out of there." Harrington said as I go sit in his seat, which was next to Brad, while Pete looks at Harrington in confusion but gets up. "Zach and Sebastian, you take Ned and Peter's seats. Ned, thanks for bringing this to my attention." He said as Peter walks up to Harrington. "Your safety is my responsibilty. And Mr. Dell's, but he's..." Harrington said and they look over to see Mr Dell was passed out. "I got it for now. Let's go, Peter. Let's go!" Harrington said as he and Pete go to different seats. But not before Peter looks at me with concern and I give a sympathetic look towards him and a shrug as he follows Harrington.

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