Start from the beginning

"Have you never gone before?" He asked as we neared the desk.

"Not really, but I know what I need to do" I explain as we get our shoes.

"Your feet are huge" I comment.

"You know what else is huge" he smirks and I gasp.

"Excuse me? That's not appropriate for our first date" I scold.

"You asked for it, big feet big meat" he shrugs and I slap his shoulder.

"Stop saying that" I demand.

"Okay I'll stop, and your feet are so tiny that's why" he exaggerates.

"I'm a 5, that's not bad" I cringe.

"Well you 5 foot too so of course you fit in a 5 shoes" he realizes.

"Your just so tiny, it's adorable" he punches my blushing cheek and we both walk to our alley. We put our names in the screen and he lets me go first.

The balls are so heavy I can barely hold them. I swung my arm back expecting for my arm to swing forward with the ball so the ball will launch forward but I drop it before I can and it goes rolling backwards with a thud.

"That wasn't supposed to happen" I shut him up. He was laughing really hard.

I tried again but with an 8 pound ball and that was much easier. The ball went rolling to the left a little more and knocked down three pins on the far left.

"Okay, that's not that bad for my first try at bowling" I take it.

"You get two tries" he shoos me.

"Oh okay." I grab another ball, this time ten pound and it was a little heavy but I could still do it.

The ball rolled to the left again but went in the gutter and I pouted.

"Don't worry, you'll get better" Jackson gets up and grabs a ball.

He pulled it to his chest before swinging his arm back and launching it forward. It wasn't perfectly straight but it was better than mine.

It knocked down seven pins and left the three back ones on the left up. For his second try he aims the ball and launched it forward and it rolled rapidly down the alleyway. The ball hit right where it was supposed to, knocking down the rest of the pins.

Spare was written on the screen and it was out on our score board. My face was just shocked.

"I'm gonna lose!" I exclaim.

"You'll get better as the game goes on, I promise" he brings me back up.

I grab another ten pound ball and place my fingers in the three holes and launch the ball forward. This time the ball went to the right more and I knocked down one pin on that side. I looked at Jackson.

"I thought you said I'll get better not worse" I pouted.

"Not every try will you get better, it's gonna be changing" he turned me back around. I focused a lot harder and launched the ball where I wanted it to go.

It went straight for a while before hitting the pins on the right side of the first one. I hit six pins and my eyes went wide.

"I did get better, I did, I did, I did" I jumped around excitedly.

"You'll get even better when you get used to it more" He exclaims as the pins reset.

He obviously won the game in the end but I did get a little better. I even got a spare on the fifth round but I never got a strike sadly. Jackson got three of them in one game. We played two. I did get close to a strike a couple times though. 

We didn't eat there so Jackson took me back to his house and we watched grown ups while eating a pizza.

The date was really fun, very simple and that's why I liked it.

He didn't take me to this romantic boat ride on a lake or a fancy restaurant, he took me bowling which I had never been before.

It was sooooo fun too.

I liked simple, defiantly a good date for me. Jackson's parents weren't home at the moment and his siblings weren't either.

We put in grown ups two and began to watch that before Jackson spoke up.

"Hey Lily?" Jackson asked. He looked a little nervous.

"What?" I asked confused. Why was he nervous all of a sudden.

"So usually this is asked later in a relationship but our relationship is a little different. Lily grace..will you move back in with me?" He asked, very afraid of my answer.

Of course I would. What would be the point in living right next to him, I could literally see in his bedroom at any time so what would be the point in living alone when my boyfriend is right next to me.

"Yes I will" I smile and jump on his lap wrapping my legs around his waist and planting kisses all over his face.

"I love you Jackson Micheals" I whisper in his ear tiredly.

"I love you too Lily Grace" he pulled me closer to him.

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