"someone help" y/n's voice echoed throughout the garden but jin knew that no one would be here at this hour. Jins consciousness was fading but he wanted to look at y/n longer, he wanted to be with her longer. 

"someone please help" y/n yelled out and jin looked at her crying face. He gently reached for the gift he had and placed it onto the glass like pond so she could see.

"I love you" he croaked out while his vision was fading in and out and he was seeing spots. 

"jin don't leave...please" he watched as y/n cried and he desperately wanted to hug her. Then he heard another voice gasp out "jin" 

Namjoon ran over and tried to help jin by holding his wound but jin knew. 

He was going to die. 

"it's all my fault" namjoon cried while jins voice croaked out "thank you namjoon, for letting me see y/n" namjoon cried heavily "you should't be thanking me. This is all my fault because I was selfish" he said angrily and jin sighed. He knew namjoon had done something but he was simply grateful he could meet y/n, he was grateful to experience love before his death. He smiled gently before everything turned black. 

Goodbye y/n


You watched in horror as jin went limp in namjoons arms and screamed "jin" your heart shattered while you looked at the reflection to see a small handkerchief with the purple flowers you had seen so many times sewn into it.

Your eyes then traveled to the words stitched onto the small handkerchief

for the love of my life, y/n

Your heart broke while you sobbed. It felt like you couldn't breath, like your chest was being crushed.

But soon panic set in when you noticed the refection was fading "no, no, no. This is all because of that girl" you sobbed out heavily.

You begged him to open his eyes over and over but your pleas never worked and suddenly the reflection faded until you could only see a girl crying staring back at you. 

Your own reflection. 

You were desperate "jin, please come back, please tell me this is a cruel joke" you kept denying what you had just seen, it can't be. Jin can't be gone. 

In your desperation you ran into the lake as you got soaked by the cold water realizing the glass like lake had disappeared. 

"jin" you were waist deep in the cold water was you cried out desperately trying to bring the person you had fallen in love with back


Namjoon had heard y/n's words before the connection had faded. 

This is all because of that girl

Immediately namjoon knew, he knew exactly who was capable of this. He called the guards screaming as he ran deeper into the castle, he even woke the king himself. 

He looked at namjoon in outrage but namjoon spoke "jin, he is dead. The was killed by the flowers" the kings eyes widened before he ran out into the garden with the guards following him. Namjoon watched as jins father fell onto the ground looking at jins pale skin and his blood covered clothes. 

"WHO DID THIS" he roared while namjoons watched as tears fell down the kings face. Namjoon felt his heart break at the sight, the king was harsh and strict but he knew he still loved jin, after all he was his son. 

He watched as the other guards, maids, and even the girl he suspected run out of their rooms to the garden hearing the commotion. Namjoon took this opportunity and he ran into the castle in search of one thing, the weapon. He knew she would be clumsy and leave it somewhere obvious since she would be in a rush to hid it, he just needed to find it. 

He searched the room and his eyes widened while he saw something similar to a lump under her blanket, he lifted it and felt his heart shatter, a blood covered knife. He took in a deep breathe and he picked up the dagger before heading back to the garden. 

"your majesty, you need to see this. I found this in princess seoyoungs room" seoyoung looked horrified when noticing the weapon uncovered in namjoons hands. 

"that isn't mine" she spoke but clearly nervous and the king approached namjoon and inspected the weapon and looked at her. 

"s-someone must have put it there"

"that's not true, your family crest is on it. Admit it seoyoung, you killed the prince" namjoon turned to blade over to reveal her family crest on the hilt. Seoyoung face went from fake crying to laughing. She was laughing hysterically while she glared at namjoon and the king. 

"I SHOULD HAVE BEEN QUEEN. he was going to leave for that girl" she seethed looking absolutely crazy while the king screamed "lock her away" namjoon watched as she was dragged away but he turned to the grieving king holding jins cold hand and couldn't help but repeat in his head. 

He was wrong and this was all is fault. 

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