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A few minutes later, when the ship finally took off the guard spoke up, "Why are you staring at me?" He said in a deep angry voice, his voice sounded deeper than I thought it would. He looked at me with a furious look in his eyes.

"I- I.. Well they're killing us all right? So why send a guard-"

"They're not killing you." The man said scoffing. "You're being send to the ground."

"We're what now-" I shouted, the entire floor heard it and their heads all swung toward my direction, staring at me and the guard.

"Maybe a little quieter Kane." The man whispered and I nodded.

"We're going to earth?" I whisper this time.

"Yes. Didn't you hear me the first time, Kane?"

If his words were true, that meant my dad lied to me. Well, not lied— but he kept in from me. I'm his daughter for gods sake. And he's on the council so he obviously knew about what was going to happen. Which means whatever's gonna happen, he could've at least told me. He could've told me I was gonna die, or being send to the ground, I could handle that. But apparently he didn't think so.

My face turned a pale shade and I stared forward in shock, "You know my last name..?" Was all I managed to say and the man nodded. "It's hard not to know who you are when you're the daughter of Marcus Kane." The man said glaring at me and looking away.

"Hey what was that?!" I say and the man ignores me, "Look I don't know what my dad to you or anyone you know but don't judge me because of who my dad is. I'm not like him." I say crossing my arms and looking away from him.

"That's just words."

"Then don't believe me." I say turning away from the guard.

"Fine.. I'm Bellamy. Bellamy Blake." The man said, I turned back around and his black eyes were staring into my ocean blue eyes ones, and for a split second it seemed like there wasn't all anger in his eyes. He quickly looked away and I realized who he was. The brother of Octavia Blake. A sibling, he's a brother. My dad floated his mother, Aurora Blake and locked Octavia up in the sky box. I saw and heard about Octavia a couple times, a quiet girl hidden in the shadows.

"I'm sorry.." I say still staring at him and he turns back around. "For what my father did." I shrug

"I don't need your pity Kane." He scoffed and I nodded while turning away.

"Bellamy Blake is not a guard." I then said, it escaped my mouth way too quickly before even thinking about it and I covered my mouth with my hands right after, regretting what I said.

"Well Bellamy Blake wanted to get on this ship." He said giving me he stink eye once again. I don't even know why I bothered asking, of course he came for Octavia. I didn't know how, but I was going to find out how Bellamy Blake got away with pretending to be a guard.

A couple minutes had passed and me and Bellamy didn't talk, suddenly the television screens went on, and surprise surprise it was Chancellor Jaha on the screen. Immediately people started shouting and cussing at the man on the tv screen. I wasn't fond of Jaha, but he wasn't as bad as people made him out to be. Yes, he enforced the stupid laws on the Ark, but he didn't make them.

"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. you've been given a second chance. And as your chancellor it is my hope that you see this not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us." Jaha explained through the screens.

I looked over at Bellamy for a second and he looked at the man like he'd just seen a ghost. I thought it would be best if I left him alone, so I did. I turned my head back at the screen and started listening to our chancellor again.

"We have no idea what's waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've send others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

"Well that's just great." I scoffed. From the corner of my eye I noticed Bellamy smirking at me. I turn my head, facing Bellamy "What are you looking at?" I say and turn back to the television.

"If you do survive, those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. Your drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base build within mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people. No one ever made it there, because we could spare you no food, water, or medicine, I give you this. Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately." And then the screen started glitching, I tried to make words of what he said next but I only understood some little bits and pieces.

"You have one job, one responsibility. Stay alive." He stated. When he was about to start explaining about the wristbands and why we had them on the lights went out and I heard screaming come from downstairs.

I pinched my eyes together and braced myself for any impact. I grabbed the handles of the seat and grabbed them as tight as I could.

I felt the ground underneath me shake and tremble. And suddenly it stopped. The machine hum stopped and I slowly opened my eyes. Everyone around me was still alive, I was still alive.

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