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I was one of the 100.

A nuclear war was what killed everyone on earth. Leaving the planet simmering in radiation. 'Luckily', there were twelve space stations at the time of the bombs that joined together and formed "The Ark", rebuilding our population in space until we were ready to head back to earth, in approximately another 100 years. Aka four more space locked generations until mankind can return to the ground.

Me? I'm Y/n Kane. Daughter of the infamous Marcus Kane. I was always looked down at because of my family, I ignored all the comments for the most part, but obviously they still hurt.

If you were below 18 and did anything that disobeyed the rules on the Ark in some way, you'd get locked up into juvenile prison, or the sky box as we like to call it. When you turn 18 your file gets looked over and it's decided if you get floated, your body sucked into an endless black void in space, or, live your life out on the ark. Either one didn't sound that appealing to me.

I did a bad thing to get send to the skybox.. Not my proudest moment. I don't have a chance of getting out of there alive, because my crime is no crime to be forgiven for, but I always had hope. Hope that someday something would change.

My dad, Marcus Kane was a well respected council member and vice-chancellor by the elderly. So as soon as he found out what I'd done he trued his best to keep it under the curtains and put me in an isolated cell, it meant that I would be isolated from any contact except my visitors. My dad basically abandoned me as soon as news started spreading. He talked to me once in the two years I've been locked in here, telling me as I recall, "I can't see you anymore Y/n. May we meet again." Which meant, he knew I'd die and he wasn't going to visit me until my last day. Or maybe not even then.

One thing did make my time a little easier, my grandma. She visited every month on visitation day and we talked for hours. She's pretty much obsessed with the planet we're circling above, earth so we talk about that a lot. I knew a lot of things about earth now. Not that I'd ever use them or pass them on to a future generation of Kane's. But it was nice to talk to my grandma.

Now, I'm still in my isolated cell, bouncing a bouncy ball up and down my wall when suddenly my cell bursts open, two guards standing outside the door.

"Prisoner 189 face the wall and put out your right arm." One of the guards commanded.

I did exactly what he said, I dropped the bouncy ball, stood up against the wall and held out my right arm. I didn't know what they were doing here, but I knew that even if I asked I wouldn't have gotten an answer.

I was standing against the wall calmly until I saw one of the guards grab some sort of bracelet out of the corner of my eye, "W- What's that?" I stammered, but I didn't get an answer, instead the guard opened the bracelet and revealed some sort of electric wires inside of it.

I turned around putting my arm down asking the man again what it was, he didn't answer, this time one of the guards launched himself at me. Probably wanting to get a safe grip on me, but I avoided his attack and ran out of the open door, and closing it behind me immediately. Leaving the two guards inside of my dark cell.

When I was out of my cell it was revealed that the whole sky box was being emptied. What the hell were they gonna do with us?!

Immediately my mind went to the worst place it could go, they were gonna execute us all.

I started breathing heavily and my hands started shaking. I looked around if there was anyway to escape, but instead I saw a blonde haired girl, who had also managed to run out of her cell. Clarke, Clarke Griffin. Her mother, Abby Griffin was holding her in her arms and she seemed unconscious.. I knew Clarke since I was a little girl, we used to play hide and seek with the chancellors son, Wells, and we used to braid each others hair. But my dad didn't like me near alpha station, so as we grew older we fell out of contact. I looked to the other side and there was a guard.

A tall, strong, dark skinned man grabbed my arm, put on one of the bracelets and dragged me with him outside of the skybox and into a hall. At the entrance of the hall he pushed me forward, leaving me in a long hall full of kids walking forward. I stepped in between a girl and a boy and followed the string of people. I looked down and noticed all the kids that were walking in the same direction as me were also wearing a bracelet. This was it, this is the end I thought. I took a deep breath and continued walking.

At the end of the hall there was a door. A door of a drop ship. Once again a guard, standing next to it grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the ship. As if executing us the normal way wasn't harsh enough already they probably made up some new way to kill us all.

I tried to wiggle my arm out of the man's grip but he wouldn't budge. Instead he dragged me up to the third and final level of the ship and strapped me in a seatbelt. "I can do that myself thanks for asking." I say grabbing the seatbelt and buckling myself in. I thought he was going to go back downstairs and grab another teenager to buckle in or something, but he didn't.

Instead he took off his guards jacket and threw it behind my seat. I frowned at the man but he didn't even glance back at me, he just sat down next to me, buckled himself in and stared forward. Avoiding contact with me at all cost..

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