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When I turned around I saw a few delinquents argue with each other, and others standing around them. I rolled my eyes and ran away from them, into the woods.

Back on the Ark, when I had turned ten my grandma gave me a bow. I found out later she'd been crafting and obtaining the supplies for it for months, just for me. My dad didn't approve, so my grandma and I 'trained' in secret. My bow back then was made out of rubber and cheap string since there was no wood on the ark. But now, now I wanted it to be the real deal.

In the Skybox my grandma explained me what resources I needed for a bow, and how to make it as well. She also explained the bow's purpose, to hunt. She thought the bow suited me, 'it's the weapon of a true warrior.' She used to say.

I just listened to her stories about earth because they were fascinating. Not because I thought they'd ever come to use, but you'd be surprised.

When I was deeper into the forest, away from all the arguing I started looking for the recourses.

I'm quite a loner, have always been and will always be. The main reason because I'm so independent is probably because I've also never had real friends. Which is my dads fault. Because he's a council member and not liked by many. Parents of the kids in my classes had told them about my dad, and that I was just like him. I wasn't like him. Even my dad once said so, he said I was just like mom. Intuitive, ambitious, brave, determined and kind hearted.

Dad never told me who my mom was. He doesn't like talking about her. The only thing my father ever told me about her was that I was like her. So I just assumed she died or got floated and her death broke his heart..

The kids in my class had heard bad things about my dad, most of them made mean comments and were rude to me every single day. But I was the responsible one and ignored them. I didn't need friends, I was good only having my grandma.

When I had run deep into the forest I had found a few smaller tree branches for arrows and one log of oak wood that was just the right length for my bow, so I headed back to camp.

When I got back the group seemed significantly calmer and reserved. I smiled and walked towards the drop ship.

Because of the rough landing piece's of the metal and parachute had ripped off. I could use the metal for arrow heads or to make a knife and I could rip the parachute and make it as slim as possible for the string of the bow.

I sat down under a tree, smiled at all my resources and started crafting..

A couple hours later when the sun had just started setting I had already accomplished a lot. I had made a small knife and done some of the carving and shaping of the log for the bow. I was nowhere near done, but I had to stop for sometime because my hands were screaming out of pain..

I looked at the lowering sun until someone decided to stand in front of me and block my view.

"What do you want?" I ask the person. I look up and see it's Bellamy.

"Not so harsh sunshine." He says crossing his arms.

"Sunshine?" I asked but Bellamy completely ignored me.

"I came here to ask you something." He continued his story.

"Yeah, and what is that?"

"I need you to take off your wristband." He says, "And if you don't obey we might have some problems." Two guys from behind Bellamy made themselves known. One stood on his left side and the other on his right, both with crossed arms.

I knew them. John Murphy and John Mbege. They were put in the skybox before me and before I was put in the skybox I had my sources to know about everything that was going on on the Ark..

"Why?" I question.

"We want the Ark to think everyone's dead. And you can help us with that by taking off that wristband." Bellamy says and I roll my eyes.

"Well if you want my wristband you have to take it off of my rotting corpse." I say and Bellamy chuckles.

"Whatever you say sunshine." Bellamy says, "Guess we'll have to take it off the hard way."

Murphy and Mbege walked closer to me. I did the only thing that made sense to me at the time and grabbed my freshly made knife out of my pocket and held it up to the two boys. "Back away. Or do you want to get cut?" I say, I might've sounded confident but I wasn't. I didn't want my wristband taken away.

If I take off the wristband the Ark would know I'm dead, which means they know I'm alive now, which means this wristband transmits my vital signs to my dad. Even though he wasn't the best father I like to believe he's up there hoping I'm okay down here.

"Okay fine murderer." Mbege said holding his hands up in the air and backed away. Murphy followed and Bellamy still stood in front of me.

"Go away." I say, tears filling up my eyes but Bellamy stays there.

"I said go away." Bellamy obeyed this time, he nodded and walked away. Probably back to Murphy and Mbege.

I dropped the half made wooden bow and started crying. I used my hands to try and dry the tears but they just kept streaming. I didn't like my past. It was more like the past everyone thought I had. But they didn't know my story, no one wanted to listen to my side.

Sun and moon [Bellamy Blake]Where stories live. Discover now